Il cuore della cucina indiana sono proprio le spezie, l’uso sapiente di spezie, erbe e condimenti. Le spezie possono essere radici, cortecce o semi, usati interi, schiacciate o polverizzate. Le erbe sono foglie o fiori freschi. Tra i condimenti comprendiamo ingredienti naturali come sale, succo di limone, frutta secca e rose water.
Spices to use a pinch
nutmeg, pepper, red pepper, cloves, asafoetida , greek hay, saffron (for slightly more sweet).
spices to be used in quantities of one teaspoon
Cinnamon (and desserts), cumin, black mustard, galanga, kalinji, ginger, turmeric, coriander (seeds only in powder form and never integers), anise (only sweet), sweet paprika, garam masala or curry.
spices to use in a more abundant (two teaspoons)
grated fresh ginger, fresh herbs such as parsley, bay leaves, rosemary, sage, thyme, etc..
Most spices are not only the taste of food aid, but also to health. Turmeric, for example, is a diuretic, a stimulant gastric paprika, fresh ginger and a tonic. The science of the use of spices to enhance the taste of foods and maintaining health dates back thousands of years ago, also in Ayurvedic texts .
The cook who knows how to mix spices and herbs can transform the food every day in unlimited variety of tasty dishes, each with a distinct flavor. Even the humble potato will reveal a surprising variety of flavors, enhanced by masala in which it is cooked.
The technique of frying the spices in ghi warm to enhance their flavor and aroma is a unique feature of Indian cuisine. In preparing the masala sometimes you use whole spices, sometimes in the dust, but in most cases you will use both varieties. First prepare the spices near the stove. Then heat only ghee (you can use olive oil or a mixture of ghee and oil) necessary to prevent the spices from sticking to the bottom of the pan (usually 1 or 2 tablespoons). Take him to the maximum temperature, senza però bruciarlo. Poi fate cadere le spezie nel ghi, e immediatamente cominceranno a gonfiarsi, a scoppiettare, a scurirsi o a cambiare in qualche altro modo. Allora, proprio in quel momento, quando le spezie sono ben soffritte e pronte, versatele sopra gli ingredienti che state preparando, o aggiungete i cibi alle spezie per continuare a cuocerli. Nel primo caso avrete preparato un chans, nel secondo un masala.
Because different spices have a different cooking time, but must be ready all at once, it is very important to calculate the different cooking times. A recipe, for example, may ask masala cumin seeds, hay greek, grated fresh ginger, coriander and asafoetida in dust. Cumin seeds and hay greek need about 30 seconds to get darker, so add them first in ghi hot. Ten seconds later, add ginger grated, which needs about 20 seconds of cooking. Ground coriander cooks in about 5 seconds, so 15 seconds later and add it to the end, add 's asafoetida . Your masala is ready.
When you add the food to cook in the masala, stir quickly to coat the ingredients and spices so as not to overcook the spice bottom of the pot. For recipes that require only spice powder, ghee should not be too hot, so that the spices can cook without burning. Apart from the masala, herbs and other condiments are usually added during cooking or at the end.
With a little 'experience in preparing masala, you'll learn about the taste and aroma of each spice.
Some mixed spices masala, as panch masala and garam masala, can be prepared in advance , and you can prepare enough for several weeks or even months. The panch masala, a mixture of five spices, is used mainly for cooking vegetables. Garam masala, literally "Hot spices" (to warm the body), is actually a mixture of minced sweet spices, and add to the preparation after cooking, and sometimes just before serving.
The expert use of spices and herbs that enhances the taste of foods, to give Indian food its unique character. It is not hot spices, but delicate aromas that contribute to the scent and taste of the dishes. The quantity of spices is not fixed but varies according to personal taste. Indian food is always spicy (in a recipe can enter a spice, or more than ten), but should not be necessarily spicy. The taste is spicy from the chili peppers in particular, we recommend that you remove them completely, and your food will be equally tasty and very Indian. Of course there are the spices of the kind should be used in smaller quantities, while others can be used with greater abundance (of course always within reason).
Sometimes you can use a spice that you do not have to replace another. Often you can omit the spice that you do not have the preparation and will still be good. The recipes also suggest possible replacements and what can be tralasciato. Anche l’esperienza vi aiuterà.
Per quanto è possibile, cercate di usare erbe aromatiche fresche.
Prima di usare spezie intere, specialmente quelle che si comprano in grosse quantità, fate una cernita per eliminare eventuali pietruzze o rametti.
• Tenete tutte le spezie in vasetti ben chiusi o contenitori metallici, in un luogo fresco e asciutto e lontano from direct sunlight. To avoid damaging the spices and wasteful fishing in the great vessels always, keep your spices in small containers for daily use. Make sure each container has its own label.
• Many recipes call for ground spices. Instead of buying spices powder, which quickly lose their aroma, it is always better to buy whole spices and grind them when to use them. In India you are using a stone mortar, but you can use a fine grind spice cabinet. The aroma and taste of freshly ground spices is incomparable.
• It is much better in person prepare spice mixes, if you do not have time exist in the market already prepared the packaging.
• Sometimes a recipe calls for a masala paste. You can prepare the ground together with spices required a few drops of water in the spice grinder or mortar. Then fry the paste in ghee for a few minutes to enhance the flavor first to add the other ingredients.
• Before starting to cook carefully read the recipe. Combine the spices near the stove you need. Perhaps later you would not have time to get away from the stove and look for the missing spice. Probably, in the meantime, the fire would burn some preparation.
The cabinet spice
Since it is the spices and condiments wisely blended to give the characteristic flavor to Indian dishes, you should examine them one by one and get to know their qualities and their uses.
asafoetida (hing): This aromatic resin, extracted from the root of Ferula asafoetida , is used in low doses for its flavor and its medicinal properties. L ' asafoetida is so effective against gastric fermentation that can cure the worst indigestion. It is as resin or as a fine powder. Resin is the purest of powder, but you have to grate when you need it. L ' asafoetida powder is mixed with white flour, but it is more practical to use. Add your own only a bit or a bit of a spoon to ghi hot, 1 or 2 seconds before adding other ingredients. If you do not find the ' asafoetida or do not want to use it, your recipes will be equally good.
CARDAMOM (elaichi): shells are small white or pale green of a plant of the family ginger, the Elettaria cardamomum, used to give flavor to desserts, or chewed as a digestive and cleansing breath. White cardamom, which is nothing but cardamomo verde sbiancato, è più facilmente reperibile, ma ha meno profumo. Quando usate i gusci interi, toglieteli prima di servire, oppure spingeteli sull’orlo del piatto, perché non devono essere mangiati interi. Quando una ricetta richiede soltanto i semi neri che sono molto aromatici, toglieteli dal guscio e polverizzateli in un mortaio o con un mattarello. I semi di cardamomo in polvere sono usati nel garam masala.
PAPRIKA (Pesa hui lal mirch): Detta anche pepe di Cayenna, si ricava dai peperoncini rossi secchi. Questa è la spezia che dà il gusto piccante al cibo indiano. Usatela secondo il vostro gusto. Se usati: con molta moderazione
PEPERONCINI freschi (hari mirch): Questi baccelli rosso vivo o verde del Capsicum annuum are quite easily in supermarkets. The small white seeds make spicy dishes containing the food. If you want the flavor but do not want to make the preparation too spicy, you can affect the chili and remove the seeds with the tip of a knife. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after handling hot peppers, because the essential oil that contains skin-friendly. Keep them without washing them, wrapped in newspaper, in the refrigerator. Throw away the ones that go bad. If used: with great moderation
PEPERONCINI interi, secchi (sabut lal mirch): I peperoncini rossi seccati sono usati largamente nella cucina indiana per il loro gusto piccante e per il loro sapore. Quando si richiedono dei peperoncini sbriciolati, potete sbriciolarli con le dita, ma ricordate di lavarvi le mani dopo averli toccati. Se non vi piace il peperoncino potete usarne di meno oppure eliminarlo completamente dalla ricetta. Se usati: con molta moderazione
CANNELLA (dalchiìÙ): True cinnamon comes from the inner bark of an evergreen tree, the Cinnamomum zeylanicum, originally from Sri Lanka and India West. You are looking for rolls of bark sold dried in the sun one inside the other. When you use whole cinnamon sticks in chatni or rice dishes, take the sticks before serving in talvola. Instead of buying cinnamon is best to buy cinnamon sticks, toast and crush before using. A strong cinnamon flavor and a slightly bitter taste that is commonly found, the Cinnamomun cassia, is sold in single pieces and large or powder. It is an imperfect substitute for the other who has a sweet taste and delicate.
CLOVE (Laung): is the dried flower bud of 'tropical tree Myrtus caryophyllus, che è sempre stato la base del commercio delle spezie. L’olio di chiodi di garofano è antisettico e molto aromatico. È detto che la tradizione di “masticare il chiodo di garofano” rivolgendosi all’imperatore, ha avuto origine in Cina. Durante il regno della regina Elisabetta I d’Inghilterra, i cortigiani usavano masticare chiodi di garofano in presenza della regina. I chiodi di garofano possono essere usati come purificatori del sangue, un aiuto alla digestione e un analgesico locale per il mal di denti. Tostati e macinati sono un ingrediente essenziale del garam masala. Comprate chiodi di garofano che non siano raggrinziti e polverosi.
CORIANDOLO fresco (hara dhania): Le foglie fresche del Coriandrum sativum sono usate in India tanto quanto il prezzemolo in Occidente, non solo come guarnizione, ma anche come aroma essenziale. Talvolta è chiamato cilantro o prezzemolo cinese, e ha un sapore delicato e unico. Potete usare il prezzemolo al posto del coriandolo, ma il sapore non sarà lo stesso. Il coriandolo cool is not very easy, but you can easily grow it yourself (as well as the greek hay). Spread the coriander seeds in a corner of the garden, cover with a thin layer of earth and innaffiateli every day. Germinate in about 18 or 20 days and grow rapidly. Take the stems when they are about 15 cm long and before giving the plant the seeds.
coriander seeds, whole and ground (Dhana, sabut and weight): The coriander seeds are spherical, and very light brown, aromatic. They are one of the most important spices in Indian cuisine and are becoming increasingly popular in the West. In 1983 the U.S. and Britain each imported more than three million tonnes of coriander seeds. The essential oil of coriander seeds helps to digest starchy foods. Generally, milling before use and give a fresh and spring food. To get the most aroma you buy whole seeds and grind a little at a time with an electric spice grinder.
cumin seeds, whole or ground (Safed jeera, sabut and weight): white cumin seeds, Cuminum cyminum, are an essential ingredient in the preparation of curried vegetables, rice dishes, and half from. Although it is easy to find in supermarkets cumin powder the ground is better than you. When a recipe calls for toasted cumin, toast it in the quantity required in a pan is already hot. Shake the pan until the seeds darken a bit 'and perfume. If you want Cumin roasted and ground, place the toasted seeds in a spice grinder and polverizzateli. If you have an electric spice grinder, use a mortar or a rolling pin.
Kala jeera, or black cumin seeds (Cuminum nigrum), smaller and darker than white, are a bit 'more bitter and pungent.
CURRY (kari terms): The fresh leaves of the tree Kari western South Asia, Murraya koenigri, in particular are used to flavor curries and soups. The dried leaves are easier to find but not as fresh smelling. When you begin the preparation of curry or masala, put the fresh or dried leaves to fry in ghee , until they are crisp.
FENNEL SEEDS (except): sometimes known as "sweet cumin" long pale green seeds Foeniculum vulgare look like cumin, but a taste similar to anise or licorice. Fennel seeds are sometimes used in curry. Toast and you have an effective cleansing breath. If you do not find them, you can use then place equal amounts of aniseed.
GREEK HAY (methi): The leaves and tender stems of Trigonella fenumgraecum are a very popular vegetable in India. Its seeds square and flat brown hazel are essential in many vegetable dishes and snacks. In India, women eat the seeds along with the greek hay jaggery (unrefined palm sugar) after birth, to strengthen the back, increase physical strength and to stimulate milk secretion. The seeds are slightly bitter greek hay, so do not overdo it in the recommended amounts, and try not to burn, and become even more bitter. The greek hay such as coriander is easy to grow.
GINGER, fresh (adrak): Questo rizoma nodoso e color marroncino dello Zingiber officinalis, è usato largamente in tutte le forme di cucina indiana. Scegliete zenzero fresco che non sia raggrinzito, che sia ben sodo e solo leggermente fibroso. Prima di tagliare e grattugiare o affettare lo zenzero fresco, grattate via la sua buccia, simile a quella della patata, con un coltello affilato. Per grattugiare lo zenzero usate una grattugia di metallo a buchi piccoli. Lo zenzero in polvere non può sostituire quello fresco, perché ha un sapore differente. Lo zenzero in polvere (Sonthi) more pungent than fresh, it must be soaked before use (1 tsp dried ginger equals 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger). Ginger is used medically for colic and dyspepsia. Eaten in small amounts by stomach pains, and prepared to infuse with the addition of red pepper and lemon is an excellent remedy for colds.
SEEDS Kaung (kalinji): Blacks are the seeds of the onion-shaped drop that Nigella indica. damage and a slight smell of onions are used in vegetable dishes and in the batter of pakora. If you do not find them, tralasciateli.
mango powder (amchur): The unripe fruit of the mango tree, the Mangifera indica, are cut into strips, then dried, powdered and used in the preparation of vegetables for flavor and make it slightly acidic. The mango powder used is very abundant in the North of India, as the lemon is used in Western cuisine to give the food a slightly sour taste. It burns easily, so use it carefully.
mint leaves (Pudina ki terms): The two most common types of mint are peppermint (Mentha spicata) and peppermint (Mentha piperita). well as being a colored washer, mint leaves give a refreshing taste to drinks. They can also be used to make chatni mint. Mint stimulates the digestive system and combats nausea and vomiting. You can easily grow plants at home in almost any soil, or the sun or partially at 'shade. The dried mint loses color, but keeps the flavor quite well.
mustard seeds, black (rai): Indian cuisine would not be the same without the seeds of Brassica juncea. black mustard seeds are round, small (smaller than the yellow variety) and blacks are not really brown but dark red. I am a bit 'hot, delicate aroma, nutrients, and make tasty dishes. Fry the mustard seeds is one of the most important stages in the preparation of masala. Spread the seeds in little ghee smoking and explode a few seconds later, jumping out of the pot if you have not covered now.
NUTMEG (jaiphal): Nutmeg is the kernel of the tropical tree seed Myristica fragrans. Buy whole kernels, which are round, compact, heavy and oily looking. There may be dark or whitish to lemon-based treatment used to ward off insects. The nutmeg is used in small quantities (sometimes with other spices) to flavor puddings, cakes and vegetable dishes. It is best to grate the nutmeg directly in the preparation, because once grated quickly loses its flavor. Please keep the nutmeg in a airtight container.
ROSE WATER (gulab-jal): L’acqua di rose è l’essenza diluita dei petali di rose estratta per distillazione. È un aroma molto usato nei dolci e nei piatti di riso indiani. Potete usare un cucchiaio di acqua di rose, ma se cucinate con l’essenza o il concentrato di rose, fate attenzione a non usarne troppo. Va usata a gocce.
ZAFFERANO (kesar): Lo zafferano è conosciuto come il “re delle spezie”. Sono gli stigmi of dried Crocus sativus, grown in Kashmir, in Spain and Portugal. Each flower has only three strands of saffron, so one pound of saffron is made from wires of about seventy thousand hand-picked flowers. Saffron is quite expensive, but you can usarne gradually. Attention Economic and saffron, which looks similar and has the same color, but lacks the characteristic aroma.
Saffron has a pleasant, delicate aroma and gives a bright yellow color to everything with which it is mixed. It is used for flavoring and coloring cakes, rice dishes and drinks. To extract the flavor and color from bright wire saffron, lightly toast them and then crumble leaving them to soak in about a tablespoon of warm milk. Then pour the milk in the preparation. Saffron is also found in dust, which is two times stronger than the wires.
TAMARINDO (Imli): This seasoning, sour and acid, comes from the large pods of a tropical tree The Tamarindus indica. The flesh brown (sometimes with seeds and glossy blacks) is scraped from the pod, dried and sold in packs.
To use, remove the seeds and cut the flesh into small pieces. Boil in little water for about 10 minutes, or until the pieces of flesh crumble. (Use about 250 ml. Of water to 220 gr. Tamarind). Then you can go until the pulp through a strainer. Keep the liquid and throw away the fibrous residue left in the strainer. If you do not find the tamarind, you can imitate the flavor with a mixture of lemon juice and sugar cane.
CURCUMA (Haldi): is a member of the ginger family (Curcuma longa) and is a rhizome that goes from orange to dark red brown, but when it is dried and ground is always yellow. It is used in small quantities to give a warm and pungent flavor to vegetables, soups or dishes in the middle, or just for adding color to rice dishes. Turmeric powder keeps coloring and long, but it soon loses its aroma. Simply take 30 grams at home, unless you live on rice and spicy vegetables. Turmeric stain, so pay attention to your clothes. Also burns easily, so cook it carefully. Turmeric is used in medicine Ayur Vedic as a diuretic, blood purifier and intestinal stimulant.
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