Sunday, January 30, 2011

Symptoms Displayed By Older Westies

sweater chenille embroidery

This finished the sweater a few weeks ago and of course I'm already doing another man for this time and you can say that I will be the first men, then this has been done to my mother's chenille on richietsa

here it was not easy and fine wool apuntar also damaged but the result I like good Sunday to all!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

One Night In Paris With Rick Salomon

I called ... I

First I must thank you for all the comments left kindest then my dear I can start over cervical decided to embroider it on Saturday that are not touched a needle and thread too much headache for today but concetrarmi vulgaris shows embroidery these ufo here but I also do some

here they sell them by the profile design is very nice to them
but look where I came
this I decided to make a pillow in honor of the first time I saw the deer
then haberdashery has stopped wearing the skeins that I used and I being quite annoyed this is the result this year who knows maybe I'll finish them

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why Do My Legs Ache All Nite

ufo embroidery Antique Furniture here

embroidery is where I

you can catch a glimpse of my sal avnzamneti's going to slow soon enough!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Recommended Foundation Makeup

is finally ready the old cabinet where the old lady Gurd his tiny black and white TV

behind you can see the other piece of furniture that I am preparing

srmplice to do it was painted brown to green light a candle and stroffinato tintaggiato white after sanding with 2 types of sandpaper ed ecco il risultato finale che ne dite..naturalmente questo è solo un assaggio perchè ho tanti oggettini antichi da mostrarvi come sono ora e come saranno dopo a presto! 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Prom Dresses Under 150$

cold ... New scarf

E si qui abbiamo temperatura 4 e vedo la montagna nevicata magari posterò qulache foto e da capirsi montagna non paese qui la neve la desideriamo e già non nevica mai e se lo fa un ora e tutto si bè intanto ecco pronta una sciarpa calda calda e morbidosa
eccola lavorata con ferri 10 troppo comodi e tutta  a maglia legaccio
e guardate il colore buon finesettimana a tutte!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Scapholunate Recovery


I have this problem, that children are not adults. Then I ate
touches very raw tuna with lemon and a chopping board di formaggi vari tra cui pecorino sardo e toscano, parmigiano, brie e gorgonzola, salame di cinghiale e bresaola a sprazzi.
Sono al secondo bicchiere di vino e ancora non ho comprato gli stivali che ho adocchiato da 20 giorni, niente di più strano che quando mi presenterò non avranno più il mio numero.
E' angosciante questo fatto di avere un numero qualunquista .
Il 38.
Il 98% della popolazione italiana femminile calza il numero 38, perciò è molto prodotto, ma anche molto assaltato e in periodo di saldi, molto in via di estinzione.
Il 38 è una taglia standard.
38 di piedi, 38 di vestiti, ma mi stanno corte le maniche perciò poi prendo il 40, ma solo if the dress is a Chinese bill, which happens more frequently in the best of families, such as Versace and Armani but Dior.
You know, the Chinese are small, so the sizes should be reported to their physical structure from which they derive measures at the seams and mini cock.
It 's like when you look at the sizes Decatlon and what a European is an S, for an American is a XXS . The Americans are big. anthropomorphically bigger, like the Germans.
Also this evening I go to the concert Max Gazzè , that even here one could get us on the beautiful considerations about contradictions of life. Series, Max Gazzè I caught this summer in a village in the ass in the world in the province of Viterbo, where he played in the square and the people have enjoyed his music for free this evening instead of the same haystack hair, same hooked nose, the same sibilant S, the same repertoire me the pacifier at 35 euro per ticket.
not that always wants to go back to the usual question, but the fact is that Rome is a city very dear. If I lived in the province would be rich.
Oh dear, oh well , not rich, but in short, a more assiduous goers Carla G. this is.
I would have already built the 'ambient small bourgeois two-story house with a yard dog and cat son happy to spend old age in the country, the 7-seater minivan then we slip into that dog, cat, child, skis, bikes and everything Anne.
It must be said also that there must be a reason why the I have not prepared the petit bourgeois life style. And the reason you know it all.
Luckily, you know, because to me is less clear with each passing day, it being understood that the province has seen this fine ass from so many years ago and which will see him with Cassio never go back. It 's a private matter between me and the province, that if the bill for the road so I do a bunch, because l'acredine è tale che vale ancora adesso, nonostante siano passati secoli e vite e fiumi di melma e nel mezzo, nonostante tutto, anche cose belle, poche.
Ovviamente sono in ritardo.
Io credo fermamente nell'abolizione di gennaio e febbraio come mesi degni di esistere nel calendario occidentale.
Il freddo ha cominciato a paralizzarmi . Della serie, tetraparesi . Rimango bloccata davanti alla porta prima di uscire e mi assale la paura, agghiacciante , di congelare nel breve tragitto da casa al lavoro. E poi sono gobba nel tentativo di concentrare in meno spazio possibile il riscaldamento corporeo, ma sarà che sono coibentata male, perché il freddo è insopportabile e 4 strati di indumenti non danno risultati soddisfacenti .
Ieri sera ho visto un documentario su Medjugorje . C'erano questi veggenti che vanno in estasi a scadenze fisse, un giorno alla cazzo dell'anno, il 23 agosto tipo, perché ? non si sa, è casuale. La madonna magari si è fatta un'agenda e se non stabilisce giorni precisi poi s'impiccia.
Dovrebbe avere una segretaria che le gestisca gli impegni mondani e ultramondani , ma più probabilmente un agente, una specie di Lele Mora nell'alto dei cieli.

Lele Mora- Lady appeared at Fatima tomorrow, at 16.45, I highly recommend there is also the pope
Lady-No, unsubscribe, tomorrow I can not, I took a appointment by Maddalena to a scrub and massage .

What then I wonder, but because must always cry? can not appear and laugh once? One, one.
Among other things people complain are never nice to anyone, it is also counterproductive as a way of approach to humans. People do not want to subirsi the whining of others, we all know.
In short, these visionaries say they see the Virgin Mary that gives them short messages, according to I could well do without bother. He says things like, pray, pensatemi, fast and pray, pray and fast, pensatemi, but especially fast, pray and pensatemi. There seem communications required? of which he can do without? Maybe you say it once, twice, but that's it, that is, then repeated it is never a good thing. In addition to an appearance you expect some revelation bomb, a mega scoop by which the life of humanity can change, say, type balances every month from tomorrow, Friday free restaurants on Thursday but no more dumplings noodles .. well, something like this. But no.
And to make matters worse, these visionaries, like 20 years from now ecstatic, received by the lady on a mission, each with a different mission and guess what one of these? You will not believe the mission of the seer but No. 3 is: to pray for the souls in purgatory!
But I say, holy lady, but something more useful, no?
For example, here I could not pray for the insecure? For Berlusconi's resignation for workers in black .. throw it down so it is an idea, also because ste souls in purgatory, I mean, but who are they? and where are they? and then, as I believe, purgatory does not exist? For the seer No. 3 would be like to work for a company ghost .. However
so, for a change brutally speech, delete the comments from this blog, anyone who wants it can write to the email or visit my Facebook page , bearing in mind that I do not accept strangers as friends I do not accept candy from them. So if you are unknown, write me an email so we know it.
your Farfa

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Nys Temp Visitor License

Small dishes decoupage

Ecco alcuni piattini fatti a decoupage con dei tovagliolini disegnati

buona serata da Croccheta!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Toddler Wrestling Singlets

Today I feel an acidity' HIGHLY CORROSIVE TO OTHERS .. .

Dear sveglioni,
them have made the good intentions for the new year?
course! sure that you've made, they are all mere mortals, such as: stop drinking, do sport and drop the belly?

New Year we need to survive and move on, admit it, it is.

Have you made the notes of desire? those we write about a desire that desires very strongly , which then make a pile and the fire and who could not come true?
I do it every year and then in fact, not true.
On the other hand we must admit that with advancing age desires are becoming more complicated, more articulate and more, let us say, impossible for this same reason it takes a bit ' of intelligence to ensure that the opportunities that come true are something more than a thousand billion on 58 million. Needless

want the end of the government, for example. Needless
also want the sudden death of an aunt misunderstood millionaire and that will show us as the only heirs in his will. Needless
also want to stop smoking or never to have neither more nor cellulite a certain morbid fascination with malformations by Cottolengo .


Needless over-eager to open the metro C or the hairs of eyebrows stop definitely growing back. Needless
still want that people start to say in Rome often and do not double to indicate the thickness (+) of any element in nature and purpose and fine or up granted to the female and the male to indicate the thickness (-) of any element in nature: People-

I bought a piece of string really
I double-So you have bought two
People-No, one, but double-sa '...

Needless to hope that women divest suits to Maria De Filippi that come off those limestone deposits from the nails and the children can do with speeches by adults

-I know, the other I read on days Physics Today of string theory, a detailed article and really appreciated
Bambino- .....
Io- La teoria delle stringhe si basa sul principio secondo cui la materia, l'energia e, sotto certe ipotesi, lo spazio e il tempo siano in realtà la manifestazione di entità fisiche sottostanti che, a seconda del numero di dimensioni in cui si sviluppano, vengono appunto chiamate "stringhe"..
Bambino- Devo fare la cacca..

Certe cose non si avverano.

Se si vuole andare sul sicuro, basta rimanere sul vago.
Voglio essere felice.
' Ndo cojo cojo .
Ci sarà un istante, un lampo, un bagliore estemporaneo di felicità per ognuno all of us in 2011, is not it? and then we can say that, azz, you see, has run true 'or want ..
Or if you prefer, next time do it like me, stay on the practical.
I, for example, this year, I expressed the desire to eat soup, stuffed squid and That's Amore Findus the 11-01-2011, and in fact .. notches, has run true.

Bon appetit, stoned

* * we do not start with the comments of people redundant touchy, stoned in the text ( ed) refers only to those who are really stoned, all the others, feel free * * I, the first to bring the flag pride Rinca.

** Segnatevelo this is feel free may possibly always be useful if you are about to compose a poem or a horrible disgusting song text inimitable and rare example of a lack of talent.

Your Farfa was always

Friday, January 7, 2011

How Is Pc Pet Insurance

I can not write the post over the phone, but I do not understand why, so only the title, given the effort I will just say that the kebab is a serious matter.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Terrible Headaches In Early Pregnancy

Serramazzoni with Snow (18/12/10) The

As promised, I raped and psychologically I finally returned to our beloved blog. So nothing better than starting with a spectacular exit to the snow in the now very classic spots Serramazzoni. I found, Kevin, Sergione, the great and venerable Gigi ... nothing short of perfect snow, even if a little goose! Very fun for all the inevitable end beers around.

you soon sbronzoniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Spider Babe Mundae Online

Mitika MFTT is coming back! NOT DISPERATEEEE

Prestissimo our incredible blog will be updated with the latest adventures ... though not a fregherà caxxo anyone, I might add! The fact remains that the MFTT is not dead yet, it will be a little decaying stink a lot, but resist! Stay tuned ... So

the MFTT is back!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Polo Shirt Material Differences

SkiAlp Monte Guglielmo 04/12/2010