Sunday, October 5, 2008

Home Made Remidiesfor Pimples Inside Nose

THE BOREAL Crashdown
These considerations are also at liberty to answer AND ONE friend who writes. Do not want to sound catastrophic, and even evoke the escape of Lot from Sodom, I just try to think about the world around us. The Roman Empire was vast and powerful, had subjugated Europe, Asia and Africa, bringing its laws and its rules. The Romans were a people strong, aggressive and pragmatic with a sound moral principles. The family was at the core of their society. But allow the people subjected to dilute your system, it adopted religions and customs, they allowed that they were part of their institutions. The Romans thus lost its values and its moral rigor, is the richness gained intoxicated, left the family void. The empire crumbled ruins and its aggressive and barbarous nations sowed terror. They followed the dark Middle Ages and it took almost a thousand years because rifiorisse civilization. The American empire-Altantico is following the same downward trend of the Roman Empire, history is cyclical and repeats ad nauseam.
born Agriculture has imposed an economic, social and family that until then did not hesitate, unnatural because it does not meet the real needs of human beings and therefore highly unstable, as history shows. Compromise the sacredness of the individual and the family, it destroys the health, social systems requires violent and repressive, create environmental disasters. If there is no escape from this pattern does not solve any of the problems that plague mankind for ten thousand years: health, social or environmental that.
I addressed these issues in the book PARADISE FOUND, and I was comforted by extensive research and by the thought of free men who have reflected on these topics. I also discovered that the possible solutions will never be allowed - for obvious reasons of speculation and profit - from economics and finance that through the political manage the destiny of humanity. Q hese solutions are very well delineated by Professor RA Leng "Implications of THE DECLINE IN WORLD OIL RESERVES FOR FUTURE WORLD Livestock Production" Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition, Vol.15, 2005-07, a study conducted for the Australian government . It would be - like myself should be stressed for some time - to abandon agriculture and its products to return to Evolutionary Diet by grazing ruminants in the grasslands of the planet. This would have enormous advantages: restoration of optimal health of mankind, partial independence from the use of fossil fuels, recovery of the environment. Grazing, agriculture contariamente, syntonic and is ecologically sustainable, ruminants have been human food for 2.5 million years, the numbers tell us that this system could feed humanity at least up to 10 billion people. Then - I would add - should dismantle the States (what are their fees, but a disguised form of slavery?) To return to small communities - we call them tribes? - Socially as Robin Dunbar has amply demonstrated with his now famous equation and independent of any centralized power. Leaving the city, the source of illness, frustration and degradation of the human being and bring the individual and the family equal to the summit of social values. All of this - I realize - when is utopia, but it is utopia lucid and sustainable, however, to fulfill their potential will require a few centuries.
Now what? The war on (terrorism, overpopulation, immigration from the wild in southern Europe, economic conflicts with the emerging countries, globalization, social disintegration and environmental degradation), more or less declared is taking place throughout the northern hemisphere of the globe. The southern area is still sparsely populated, ecologically intact, ruled with wisdom and far from the targets of terror. Is this the new promised land?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cf/x For Imovie 6.0.3

nearsightedness and farsightedness
not we will ever fully understand the true nature of man if we observe it only in the light of civilization, history and tradition. Human history began only ten millennia ago, but the human being is an ancient two and a half million years. Its biology with his feelings, emotions and needs are from far away. History tells us only the last moments of humanity, he describes the man no longer healthy, happy and free but weak, sick, unhappy and forced. We describe a being swept away, bent to the needs of agriculture and agriculture system that generated it. Ten thousand years ago when agriculture was born with the property and therefore the servants - often even slavery - the individual loses its primary role and the family becomes equal to the patriarchal and authoritarian. The tribe vanishes and the state requires. Family and tribe, the only, true natural society, are then supplanted by a company exclusively cultural so deeply unnatural. And while the natural society remained intact and fully functional for two and a half million years, no State, Republic, Empire has withstood more than a few centuries. Are corporate taxes, which do not correspond to real human needs that must exist to sustain itself through violence and coercion. The confirmation is biological: Because man is born immature needs years of parental care to achieve independence and this gives rise to family. And because - despite being predators - does not have fangs or claws of the pack needs to survive. But even if his brain enormenente developed than any other animal is capable of supporting more than 150 real social relations (the number of Dunbar), then the tribe should not exceed this figure to be cohesive. Many societies lead to stereotypical relationships that work only through coercion and of course the systems developed by force are fragile, intended to dismantle this force when it is not. If we also add the domain of a few over the masses is easy to understand how large numbers are not resolved by large systems. Why then marvel at the Crashdown the northern hemisphere? It 'just another crumbling empire.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wifi Optimizer Windows 7


stealing the title of the famous novel by Maugham Somerst I would like to draw your attention to the heavy constraints that the current society - the result of the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago - puts on our lives, our ability to choose and our free thought.

  1. 7all'11 by September - with echoes of various medium and small diatribe about a new drug - was held in Rome on 44° world meeting sul diabete, organizzato dall'EASD (European Association for the Study of Diabetes). Orbene in tre giorni fitti di relazioni si è avuto solo un intervento sullo stile di vita, e quindi sull'alimentazione, come prevenzione e cura dei disturbi del metabolismo. L'accento dei relatori è stato posto soprattutto sui farmaci ovviamente con annessa Industry Exibition. Eppure le malattie metaboliche come molti oramai sanno, trovano come unica causa la dieta inappropriata. La stessa ADA (American Diabetes Association) pubblicando le recenti linee guida sulla prevenzione focalizza l'attenzione sullo stretto controllo dei carboidrati indicando in 135 gr. di carboidrati/giorno il livello raccomandato di carico glicemico. Sempre più persone libere da pregiudizi e condizionamenti si chiedono se il compito della medicina oggi non sia quello di guarire ma solo di curare il paziente, farlo stare un poco meglio ma non liberarlo dalla malattia, dato che un paziente guarito non è più un cliente. Con una spettanza di vita di 80 + anni, il cinquantenne diabetico è potenziale cliente per oltre 30 anni. 30 anni ininterrotti di visite mediche, analisi, cure, farmaci in un crescendo di gravità e complicanze, quando sarebbe sufficiente eliminare immediatatamente e totalmente i cereali per ridargli la pienezza della salute e della vita nel giro di pochi giorni.

  2. mi scrive l'amico Loris dalla Spagna: "Dear John, I am writing to comment on an event happened this week and bring a question. It 'was canceled the competition Ribarroja Turia in Valencia for yet another doping scandal ... since being arrested for selling Anabolic there was also some of the organizers of the event (which was an IFBB competition at the regional level) was well thought out ... but to cancel it because the company gives no rest to these poor athletes? In the end they always are the losers. And re-reading the pages of your beautiful Lost Angeles to myself say this enormous social hypocrisy will not be dictated by the impulse of rejection of the idea that some ancestral results can only be achieved with drugs? " answer: c arissimo Loris, the repressive rules and always feed the crime, in this case, the trafficking of doping substances. The current situation has two causes. Number one cause overpopulation, as the population grows more narrow the boundaries of personal freedom. More and more rules, more and more limitations. The northern hemisphere is doomed (there are all harbingers of decline: economic collapse, the integration of peoples once subdued, the new barbarians at the gates, sexual promiscuity, moral relativism, the decline of family and religion. The shaman of Rome says the right things but it is unheard). We do a little thought on the New Zealand (4 people x Km2) ... Case number two an ordinary human emotion, envy. Mankind by nature is more petty and jealous scope to empathize with the wrecks of human drug-drug with sports supermen. It remains the only free thinking and escapism, the monster is out of control, democracy a farce media.

Good Sunday to all.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bare Bottom Behaviour

The adventure that this blog is about to begin is actually as old as mankind. For more than three million years our species inhabit this planet. Per tutto questo tempo abbiamo vissuto in armonia con noi stessi e con l'ambiente, ma non più di 10 -12.000 anni fa l'invenzione dell'agricoltura ha rotto ogni equilibrio. Parlare delle conseguenze è superfluo, sono sotto gli occhi di tutti. La Maledizione Agricola ha creato miserie e sofferenze per oltre 500 generazioni. Queste ricerche hanno preso avvio dieci anni fa dalla constatazione delle condizioni di salute miserabili cui siamo soggetti a causa di una nutrizione non idonea, basata sul consumo dei semi di alcune erbe, le graminacee, alimenti che tutti noi conosciamo col nome di cereali. La costellazione di malattie derivate dall'alimentazione ipercarboidrata imposta dall'agricoltura è oggi definita Sindrome Metabolica ma i danni dei cereali nei confronti of our body, particularly of the digestive system are many, many more. It is not enough. The immediate abandonment of hunting has changed every aspect of human life. New social orders, rules and constraints, new unnatural rhythms of life have given and determine - now even more - a substantial decline in the quality of 'existence. Our happiness together with health and environmental protection go through this new awareness. It 's a whole universe of knowledge to be studied, analyzed and often to be rediscovered in order to understand the reasons for our discomfort and try to overcome them. This is our mission, expect your interest and your contribution.