Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Best Blu-ray Upconverting 2009

Boccon Divino

l'Osteria Verde Boccon Divino è a Campopiano, un piccolo borgo del Comune di Cecima. Il Podere omonimo si apre sulle colline dell'Oltrepo Pavese, in Valle Staffora, un tratto importante della via Francigena, la via già percorsa per molti secoli dai pellegrini che si recavano a Roma per il Giubileo.

Da questo, molto altro ancora, l'origini il suo nome - Boccon Divino - che bene interpreta anche la vocazione vitivinicola dell'Oltrepo. La sua collocazione, in Valle Staffora - la via che consentiva di scavalcare l'Appennino per scendere a Piacenza passando per il valico appenninico del Brallo, indica la sua antica vocazione di accoglienza e di cura per la tradizione enogastronomica della valle, che è forte e con lontane origini.

L'Osteria Verde nasce dall’incontro delle idee e delle energie di alcuni amici, impegnati in modo diverso nel campo del consumo consapevole e della agricoltura biologica ed ecosostenibile, convinti che la tavola - ed il cibo - siano un importante punto di incontro tra azione e consapevolezza oltre un sostanziale momento di Convivio.

Il progetto "Osteria Verde Boccon Divino" una iniziativa di Benessere & Ayurveda, l'Associazione Onlus che ha sede a Campopiano, nel comune di Cecima, ed è animata, oltre che da Sahaj Bez e da Radha Grecu, dagli Amici di Campopiano che partecipano attivamente al progetto.

A questo pensiero si unisce l'azione di risposta che sorge di fronte alla perdita di alcuni valori fondamentali legati all’alimentazione: la scarsa attenzione a cosa e a come si mangia, alle proposte del sistema dei consumi e ai meccanismi che stanno dietro alle maggiori catene di produzione e distribuzione alimentare. Abbiamo quindi pensato e creato un luogo che possa offrire ai Soci nostri ospiti il piacere di consumare cibi sani in un ambiente accogliente ed attento alle esigenze di tutti.

The Boccon Divino offers various possibilities of accommodation:

The Green Tavern: Friday, Saturday and Sunday we offer opportunity to dine with us. And 'Reservations recommended.

Our menus offer a wide range of proposals, from pies to omelettes, pasta dishes from the wide selection of cheeses, prepared using organic products provided by Farm Campopiano, and are accompanied by honey, cheese and fruit, wines and beers delivered directly from the best raw farms adjacent to the farm. We want to offer a selection of simple and tasty vegetarian dishes that draw on traditional Italian and international cuisine with a method that is inspired by local tradition that prefers plant products without leaving the eggs and cheese.

Space Relax.

If you wish to arrive in late morning potete attendere di pranzare rilassandovi o passeggiando nei boschi circostanti. Dopo pranzo e nel pomeriggio il salotto ed i pergolati ombreggiati diventano il luogo adatto per concedersi un pò di tempo libero e di riposo. Per leggere un libro o per chiacchierare in compagnia. Possiamo offrirvi una ampia scelta di tisane e tè, ma anche bibite a base di frutta.

Lo Spazio Benessere

Il Centro Ayurvedico, la Sala Yoga ed i giardini sono a disposizione di chi desidera sottoporsi a trattamenti o praticare yoga o altre attività, fare passeggiate - a piedi o a cavallo - o semplicemente sonnecchiare sulle sdraio.

How Long Should I Wait To Go Tanning Waxing

Ecology of Food & Nutrition Awareness

Nutrition ecology - nutrition ecology - is a relatively new term. It was coined in 1986 by a group of nutritionists at the University of Giessen, Germany. It is an inter-disciplinary science, which examines all components of the food chain and assesses the effects according to 4 main points of view: human health, the environment, society and the economy.
The components of the food chain are all those involved in the process production and consumption of food, that is followed throughout the proceedings "from cradle to grave", which includes: the production, harvesting, preservation, storage, transportation, processing, packaging, marketing, distribution , preparation, composition, food consumption and disposal of waste materials produced at various stages.
The concept of nutrition ecology has ancient roots, and was born with the need to assess the consequences of large-scale agriculture and animal husbandry. But it is only in the late twentieth century that the concept of nutrition ecology is formalized. Not to be confused with the ' econutrizione , which is limited to studying the interaction between nutrition and the environment, nor with the' Ecology of Food and Nutrition , that simply studying the dietary habits of indigenous peoples.


The above 4 dimensions of nutrition ecology are the basis for assessing the sustainability of uno stile alimentare. Il termine sostenibilità  è stato coniato nel diciassettesimo secolo dagli esperti forestali tedeschi per indicare la quantità di alberi che poteva essere abbattuta in maniera sostenibile, cioè solo quella che sarebbe potuta ricrescere in un tempo accettabile.
Il significato si è poi esteso a indicare un tipo di sviluppo che soddisfa le necessità correnti senza diminuire la possibilità per le generazioni future di soddisfare le stesse necessità.
Dal punto di vista della nutrizione, la sostenibilità implies the adoption of a lifestyle that includes:
  • equitable distribution of food resources, in a world that has over 800 million malnourished people - the social aspect;
  • the choice of a quality and quantity of food to ensure a proper diet (with no gaps) and optimum (which may prevent food-related degenerative diseases, typical of rich countries) - health aspect;
  • sustainable impact on the environment - ecological aspect.

Sicurezza alimentare

Quando si parla di "sicurezza alimentare", nei paesi industrializzati, si pensa soltanto alla qualità del cibo intesa come contenuto nutrizionale e come controlli sanitari sulla presenza di patogeni e contaminanti. Anche la recente Authority Alimentare europea, che dovrebbe garantire la sicurezza alimentare ai consumatori, si occupa solamente di quest'ultimo aspetto sanitario, ma solo a breve e brevissimo termine, trascurando invece gli aspetti ben più importanti e complessi di medio e lungo termine quali appunto la salute umana a lungo termine, l'impatto sull'ambiente e sulla società intera, in breve, la sostenibilità.
È dunque importante dedicare l'attenzione che meritano agli aspetti di cui l'ecologia della nutrizione si occupa: la qualità globale del cibo, il Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), cioè il calcolo dell'impatto lungo tutto il ciclo di produzione del cibo e dello smaltimento degli scarti (impatto sulla salute e sull'ambiente), ma anche l'influenza degli  stili alimentari  sul clima, sulla nutrizione nel mondo (e quindi anche sul problema della fame nel mondo), sui costi del cibo, sia in termini monetari che di consumo di risorse.

Research and dissemination

Ecology of nutrition provides the tools to compare the different dietary habits, as well as the processes to identify the best ways to follow.
NEIC arises, therefore, aims to study the ecology of nutrition issues and disseminate scientific knowledge in this field at all levels: at the level of national governments and supranational institutions at the level of NGOs operating in the world at the level of consumer groups, to get to the end individual citizens, because food choices do not depend solely on government, but in large part from their individual choices of people who have, in this field, great power and also, therefore, great responsibility.
then appear basic education interventions of the population, acts to "change the attitude of society towards consumption and individual behavior", as per a or requirement of the same EC program. Educating people to eat differently, focusing on simple foods and vegetable nature, you can safeguard the health of the community and the health of the planet.

A brief overview of the current problems

The animal breeding, which is considered as a machine that turns plant resources in animals, is completely ineffective. It is called the conversion rate as the amount of kilograms of plant needed to increase the weight of a kg on average, a cow, it takes 11 kg of vegetables to grow one kilogram of the animal counting slaughter waste, 15 kg of vegetables used to produce 1 kg of meat. By comparison with proteins, rather than the weight of the plants, the results are similar: to produce one kg of animal protein are 16 kg of vegetable protein. For this farm animals are called "protein factories down."
This waste of resources because, in addition to obvious social problems (unequal distribution of resources), even serious environmental impacts.
Among the impacts on the environment, one of the biggest problems is the water consumption. Most of the water on the planet is consumed by:
  • obtain forage production determinants in satisfying hunger and in maintaining the activity of the ruminant stomach;
  • to quench the animals;
  • for cleaning stables, milking parlors and more.
The Executive Director of the Stockholm International Water Institute said at the conference: "Animals fed on grain, and even those on grazing need more water much more than the crops grain. But in developed countries, and in some developing countries, consumers are demanding more meat. \u0026lt;...> Sarà quasi impossibile nutrire le future generazioni con lo stesso tipo di dieta che oggi abbiamo in Europa occidentale e nel Nord America." Ha aggiunto che i ricchi saranno comunque in grado di comprarsi una via d'uscita importando "acqua virtuale", cioè importando cibo (mangimi per animali o carne) da altri paesi, anche quelli in deficit d'acqua. [Hungry world 'must eat less meat', by Alex Kirby, BBC News Online environment correspondent, August 15, 2004]
Nella foresta amazzonica, l'88% della foresta abbattuta è stata adibita a pascolo. E la deforestazione continua a un ritmo sempre crescente. Nel 2003 c'è stata una crescita del 40% della deforestazione rispetto all'anno previous year. In just 10 years, the region lost an area equal to two times Portugal. Much of it has become grazing land. The cutting of wood for the market are much less influential on deforestation than meat production. [D. Kaimowitz, B. Mertens, S. Wunder, P. Pacheco Hamburger Connection Fuels Amazon Destruction, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), April 2003]
In semi-arid areas, such as Africa, the use of land for extensive farming (whose products are exported to rich countries) leads to desertification, namely the reduction to zero of the productivity of these lands. The United Nations estimates that 70% of the land now used for grazing are in the process of desertification.
This kind of eating habits are the cause of a dual problem of malnutrition in poor countries malnutrition due to lack of food and water in rich countries malnutrition caused by excess protein and animal fat, which is today among the leading causes of death.

Perianal Fistula Dogs

Green Products

Molti degli ortaggi che si utilizzano per la realizzazione delle ricette dell'Osteria Verde Boccon Divino provengono direttamente dagli orti di Podere Campopiano e dagli animali che ci vivono.

Quando questi non sono sufficienti ci aiutano i piccoli produttori locali che operano con lo stesso criterio di agricoltura bio-sostenibile.

fresh goat cheeses, herbs and oil, the salt first, when they are produced daily by us, we are delivered from ' azienza Agricola Oranami Pizzocorno of producing excellent organic cheese from cows, goats and sheep.

From the hives scattered in the fields surrounding the farm is taken a great honey, wild flowers, chestnut, as the summer offers continuing and new inflorescences.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Difference Between Impetego And Shingles

Power Green

Why vegetarian food?

The decision to adopt a diet based on plant foods may take origin from different motivations that can take inspiration from the ethical, eco-environmental, social and healthy.

This brochure will address aspects of healthy / nutrition in order to illustrate the many Health benefits accruing to a diet of plant foods.

For a balanced vegetarian diet do not need to consult a nutritionist or one hundred thousand calculations. As with any other type of diet, including the "omnivorous" are only required some attention and a bit 'of time. How many people are in fact among those who do not follow any particular diet can claim to follow a balanced diet? Very few. Therefore, all of us, from omnivores to vegetarians, raw foodists to, the Fruitarians to have a balanced diet we need to read and know. And, after all, is easier to get a balanced diet as a vegetarian that as carnivores. So ... do not worry!

Here are some guidelines to work from, so dividing the topics


Food Nutrition Information Vegetarian (Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian and vegan ). Where they are and how they act on the Health of protein, calcium, iron, other minerals, vitamins.


Most degenerative diseases, which are the leading cause of disability and death in Western countries can be prevented by following a proper vegetarian diet.


the vegetarian diet is quite suitable for pregnant women and children from weaning and adolescence, adulthood and old age.


To dispel the myth that those who make sport in need of food animals.

a vegetarian life

Tips practical in the kitchen, with a brief guide to meal planning.

Note: with the term "Vegetarian Diet" means all variants, the Lacto-ovo-vegetarian (which excludes the consumption of meat of all animals - mammals, birds, fish, shellfish - but provides for the maintenance of all animal foods indirect) to veganism (which also excludes all animal foods indirect). Otherwise, it indicated the type of variant.

The basic principles of nutrition vegetarian

The results of searches of vegetarians are been published and are available in the international scientific and medical literature. Data on epidemiological studies of vegetarians in Western countries, conducted over the past 40 years have documented a reduced risk of chronic diseases, increased longevity, reduced values \u200b\u200bof body weight and blood pressure, and better overall health. Individuals who consume large amounts of plant foods showed a reduced risk for many chronic diseases, while individuals who consume large amounts of meat and animal fats have an increased risk.

Based on these acquisitions, conducted by scholars from around the world, the main international scientific societies for the prevention of cancer and atherosclerosis have produced guidelines for a healthy lifestyle, as to reduce the risk of these diseases. The ideal food for the prevention of these diseases is high in fiber, low in fat (especially animal), with generous helpings of fruit and vegetables. It 's easy to recognize the characteristics of vegetarian diets.

The ADA (American Dietetic Association) since 1987 has issued its official position on vegetarianism, stating that the planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate from the point of view and lead to health benefits in preventing and treatment of some diseases. This position is periodically updated.

The ADA also states that the well-balanced vegetarian and vegan diets are suitable for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy and lactation, and which meet the nutritional needs of infants, children and young people and ensuring normal growth.

We see in detail the main nutrients.


If the intake of plant foods is varied and appropriate to the individual energy demand, the plant proteins are able to meet the daily protein requirement, by providing adequate amounts of essential amino acids alone. Nell’alimentazione a base di cibi vegetali non è necessaria la simultanea assunzione di Proteine complementari, perché il consumo di diverse fonti di aminoacidi nel corso della giornata è in grado di assicurare l’assunzione di tutti gli aminoacidi essenziali in misura adeguata per le persone sane.

La dose di Proteine necessaria per un adulto medio con uno stile di vita sedentario è infatti di 0.8-1 g per kg di peso corporeo al dì, pari al 10-15% delle calorie totali. Questo valore presenta un largo margine di sicurezza, poiché il reale fabbisogno dell’organismo è persino inferiore. Infatti la WHO (World Health Organization) consiglia di non superare i 50 grammi al dì.

pregnant women, or lactating women, the protein requirement is higher and so even in physically active people. In these cases it is possible to meet the increased protein needs by simply increasing the daily energy intake, and maintaining the proportion of protein of total calories.

In traditional Western diet is consumed nearly twice as many proteins are necessary and are mostly proteins of animal origin. Animal foods contain fact, approximately 30% protein, compared with 10-15% of plant foods.

E 'has been shown that diets high in protein - articulated intake of meat, eggs and dairy products, with low intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains - are detrimental to health, as this increases the risk of developing certain types of cancer. The intake of protein rich in essential amino acids is in fact correlated with the presence of elevated levels of IGF-I (Insulin-like Growth Factor I) a mitogenic factor involved in the development of the main types of cancer.

animal protein, inevitably coupled with the saturated fat and cholesterol, promote the onset of atherosclerosis and heart disease. In addition, they produce acid waste, which cause the loss of calcium from bone (osteoporosis).


Fats are responsible for many effects in the body. They increase the production of hormones, stimulate the production of bile acids, increased levels of circulating fats - cholesterol and triglycerides.

Many studies indicate that diets high in fat increases one's risk of developing cancer (breast, colon, prostate) and may also adversely affect the survival of those who have already contracted this disease. The amount of dietary fat is also related to the risk of developing atherosclerosis, whereas a reduction of the same is able to reverse it.

Guidelines for the Prevention of Cancer and Atherosclerosis set at 30% of total calories than the intake of fats in the diet. The average U.S. diet contains about 37% fat. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians follow a diet that contains about 10% less fat than the diet non-vegetarian and vegan diets contain about 20% less fat.

However many vegetarian diets high in fat, and some studies conclude that, in order to obtain a positive effect in this sense, the percentage of fat should be reduced by up to 10-15%.

E 'then ascertained that the animal fats are much more harmful than fat vegetali. I Grassi animali contengono infatti Colesterolo e Acidi Grassi Saturi. Gli olii vegetali sono per contro ricchi di Acidi Grassi Polinsaturi e Monoinsaturi, poveri (ad eccezione degli olii tropicali) di Acidi Grassi Saturi, e totalmente privi di Colesterolo. Sono i Grassi animali ad essere strettamente associati al Cancro al colon, mammella, prostata ed ovaie, ed al rischio di Arteriosclerosi.

Gli Acidi Grassi Omega-3, contenuti elettivamente nell’olio di semi di lino (acido alfa-linolenico), secondo vari Studi, ridurrebbero sensibilmente l’incidenza di Tumori di mammella e colon. Sia gli Acidi Grassi Monoinsaturi che gli Acidi Grassi Omega-3 sono in grado di conferire protezione nei confronti delle cardiopatie, reducing platelet aggregation and raising the threshold for ventricular fibrillation.

Clinical studies on the use of diets based on plant foods, including vegetable oils high in monounsaturated fatty acids and Omega-3, show a mortality reduction of 50-70%, compared with 15 and 30 % of clinical trials with the use of fish and fish oils.

population studies have identified a lower incidence of death from cardiovascular disease in subjects with high consumption of nuts and other nuts: the daily consumption can gain 2 years of life (even more for men). The daily intake of nuts and vegetable oils, especially linseed oil, is able to provide adequate amounts of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.


More than 500 million individuals worldwide, regardless of diet, suffer from iron deficiency anemia. People at risk are those in which the demand is higher (for children and adolescents, women of childbearing age, pregnancy and lactation).

Plant foods are rich in iron (legumes, whole grains, green vegetables, nuts and seeds), but these foods in the mineral is present in the non-heme, a very sensitive to positive interferences or negative absorption by other substances taken together.

Iron deficiency anemia is more common among vegetarians than omnivores, although vegetarians have reserves of iron. This is advantageous in terms of healthy, since excess iron can generate highly reactive free radical species, and elevated iron stores are a risk factor for many chronic diseases.

Some small steps are enough to take adequate amounts of iron from plant foods: foods rich in iron coupled with Vitamin C (citrus, kiwi fruit), avoid the association with foods rich in calcium (dairy products, mineral water), tannins (coffee, chocolate, red wine), remove phytate from whole grains and legumes (with preventive measures such as soaking, followed by thorough rinsing).


calcium requirements in the general population is about 1 g per day, and this quantity is generally guaranteed in Lacto-ovo-vegetarians. In vegans, calcium intake may be lower, but these people have a reduced requirement in relation to individuals who are taking food animals, as the exclusive consumption of plant protein is able to reduce the loss of this mineral, while maintaining positive balance in the body, especially if the proceeds are also reduced sodium.

calcium requirements of vegans has not yet been established, and the lack of this mineral can be variable in relation with the risk of osteoporosis. However, it appears that the incidence of this disease is high in those countries where it is also high consumption of foods rich in calcium (milk products). It shows that bone density is a function of the composition of the diet and more physical activity than the simple intake of calcium. In fact, it is the high consumption of animal protein, salt, caffeine and mancanza di esercizio fisico i fattori che risultano principalmente correlati con l’Osteoporosi.

Elevate assunzioni di Calcio sono anche correlate con una riduzione del rischio cardiovascolare, grazie alla riduzione della Pressione Arteriosa, dell’incidenza di cardiopatia ischemica e di ictus cerebrale, e con la riduzione del rischio per certi tipi di Tumore.

Va quindi prestata particolare attenzione nell’inserire nella dieta fonti ottimali di Calcio (“greens and beans”, cioè legumi e verdure a foglia verde quali broccoli, cavoletti di Bruxell, cavoli, cavoli verdi, crucifere, bietole da coste, ed altre verdure verdi, eccetto gli spinaci). L’uso di acque Minerali ricche di Calcio e povere di Sodio può aiutare a raggiungere il fabbisogno giornaliero di Calcio.

La Vitamina D - la cui presenza è scarsa/nulla nei cibi vegetali, ma che viene sintetizzata a livello cutaneo ad opera delle radiazioni UV - assicura la preservazione di adeguate quantità di Calcio all’interno dell’organismo (“bilancio positivo”), agendo sulle entrate e sulle uscite. E’ quindi buona regola passare una parte anche piccola della giornata all’aria aperta, esponendo almeno il viso e le mani alla luce solare (possono bastare 15-30 minuti al giorno). Nei Paesi Nordici, è in uso la pratica di esporre i bambini alle radiazioni UV artificiali. Mantenere un buon colorito della cute è garanzia di sufficiente disponibilità di Vitamina D nell’organismo.

Altri minerali

Il contenuto degli altri Minerali nei cibi vegetali appare non solo adeguato, ma responsabile di una parte dei vantaggi salutistici di questo tipo di Dieta. Il Selenio , contenuto nei cereali integrali, è un potente antiossidante e favorisce la funzionalità della Tiroide. Può essere rapidamente assunto ad esempio con una sola noce brasiliana al giorno. Elevati apporti di Potassio , di cui sono ricche frutta e verdura, a fronte di ridotti apporti di Sodio , scarso in plant foods are responsible for a reduction in blood pressure, vascular risk and osteoporosis.

The Iodine, essential for normal thyroid function, is derived, rather than the salt jodato, regular use of small amounts of algae. Copper, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Zinc are present in quantities more than adequate in whole grains, legumes, seeds and dried fruit. Soaking and rinsing of vegetables and grains, and sprouting, improve intake of zinc, whose bioavailability from plant foods is reduced. Plant foods also contain vitamins and phytochemicals that possess a proven antioxidant (Vitamins A, C and E) . The only attention to the concern Vitamins Vitamin D (see calcium) and vitamin B12 .

Vitamin B12

This important vitamin is produced by microorganisms that contaminate food and plants that are present in the intestinal lumen of the animal. The vitamin is absorbed from the intestine and the animal is used for vital functions, while the excess is deposited in tissues (muscle, liver). Foods plants do not contain vitamin B12 and then only as the result of pollution, while animal foods contain vitamin B12 storage, the result of bacterial synthesis.

The risk of getting this vitamin deficiency is much higher as they are eliminated from the diet food animals. For lacto-ovo-vegetarians, depends on the frequency of intake of animal foods indirect, and still has to be taken into account, while for the vegan is very likely. What varies is the time it takes to develop the shortage, since the tissue deposits and the ability to produce this vitamin in the intestine and to recover from feces vary from individual to individual.

It should not be inferred that the vegetarian diet is inadequate, take rather that current measures of food hygiene affect intake of natural vitamin B12, which however does not happen in a hypothetical life "in Nature."

deficiency of vitamin B12, compared with higher intakes of folate, causing nerve damage, rather than anemia. Vitamin B12 is also crucial in vegetarians to maintain low levels of homocysteine, which appears related to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, dementia and depression. E 'therefore imperative B12 supplement prepared with appropriate, easily available on the market in order to obtain the most benefit from a vegetarian diet, eliminating the damaging effects of B12 deficiency.

supplements of vitamin B12

vegans, to maintain blood levels of B12 above 300 pmol / l is required quantity absorbed about 1.5 mcg / day. This quantity is obtained by taking:

  • 3 mcg / day from fortified foods made in the course of several meals, or
  • 10 mcg / day from a single daily dose of supplement, or
  • 2000 mcg / week from a single supplement intake, probably the most convenient.

supplements are not all alike, especially not need to use algae or other preparations of plant parts, since it is not a reliable source of B12, since in nature there are analogues of these vitamins but do not have any specific metabolic action.

useful supplements must state that they contain "cobalamin" or "Cyanocobalamin, Vitamin B12 which is true. Multivitamin preparations should be avoided, in which absorption of B12 could be hampered by the presence of other nutrients.

These preparations are available at most pharmacies, dove se non sono disponibili possono venir ordinati nell’arco di pochi giorni. Possono anche essere ordinati via Internet. Un elenco di integratori vegani è disponibile sul sito di SSNV: Integratori di B12 disponibili in Italia .


mg = milligrammi
mcg = microgrammi
die = al giorno
pmol/l = picomoli per litro
dl = decilitri

Il Vegetarismo come Prevenzione e Cura

Il miglioramento delle condizioni economiche ha portato con sé delle modificazioni dello Stile di Life - with a move from working "fatigue" (which require a constant exercise) to sedentary work activities - and consequent global reduction of daily exercise.

habits have also introduced "luxuries" such as smoking, alcohol, coffee. Last but not least, eating habits have shifted from the use of mainly agricultural products and less use of processed animal products to industrial processing. The lifestyle of the industrialized countries are harmful, as articulated on high intakes of calories, fat and animal protein, meat contains heterocyclic amines pericolose, di alimenti salati, e per contro troppo bassa assunzione di Fibra alimentare, frutta, verdura e Micronutrienti.

Anche se sembra banale, è proprio lo Stile di Vita con le sue abitudini (dieta, esercizio fisico, fumo, alcool) il più importante determinante della Salute. Esso esercita i propri effetti già dai primi anni, con effetto cumulativo per tutta la durata dell’esistenza di un individuo.

In questo contesto, una Dieta Vegetariana equilibrata costituisce a tutti gli effetti una misura di Prevenzione Primaria dello Stato di Salute, dal momento che tutti i principali Studi condotti sui Vegetariani hanno concluso che i Vegetariani vivono circa 5 anni più long than the general population of that country, and normally enjoy good health. These benefits also appear to be related to tobacco control, the more exercise, and the characteristics of the composition of the diet rather than simply removing the meat.

Since the roots of the major adult diseases such as obesity, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and many cancers develop in childhood and are largely preventable with the correct lifestyle, it is essential that parents pay special attention to food education for their children, especially in this world where the power has become the main industry and we are constantly bombarded by propaganda glorifying the consumption of processed foods and as such more and more poor in nutrients and high in calories (so-called "empty calories"). Our children will be, if you join this kind of pressure, the patients of tomorrow.

quickly examine major diseases "to excess", focusing mainly related diseases.


For most common tumors has been established a link with the kind of power. The National Cancer Institute in 1981 admitted that about 35% of deaths for cancer was attributable to dietary factors (with a large degree of variability of 10-70%). A more recent analysis (1995) confirms the estimates (32%, however, narrowing the range of variability to 20-42%). For the most common cancers, however, these figures are much higher: colorectal (70%), breast (50%), prostate (75%), pancreas (75%).

Guidelines for the Prevention of Cancer suggest as the best strategy for cancer prevention adherence to a diet rich in fiber and low in fat, which includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. These foods are in fact low in saturated fat and rich in antioxidants and fibers. The soy-based foods also contain phytoestrogens, substances that protect against the risk of breast cancer (as evidenced in Asian populations).

Not surprisingly, vegetarians, whose diet meets these requirements, of course, is confined to lower levels of cancer risk. And 'it was estimated that if Americans adhere to current dietary guidelines published by the National Cancer Institute, the frequency of cancer would fall by 25-50%.


complications of atherosclerosis, in turn, cause diseases of the organs affected: the arteries Coronariche (infarto, angina, miocardiosclerosi con insufficienza cardiaca), le arterie Cerebrali (ictus, demenza, parkinson), le arterie degli Arti Inferiori (claudicatio, gangrena), l’Aorta (aneurismi), le arterie renali (Ipertensione, insufficienza renale) e dell’occhio (retinopatia). Molte di queste situazioni sono causa di morte, ma soprattutto di invalidità.

L’Arteriosclerosi comincia già in età infantile e giovanile (come evidenziato nel corso di autopsie di giovani morti durante le guerre in Corea e Vietnam), e progredisce asintomatica per molti anni, fino a dare manifestazioni cliniche in età medio avanzata.

Molti Studies have shown the presence of an association between cholesterol levels and heart disease. The Framingham Study, which began in 1949, revealed that there is a cholesterol level below which essentially does not occur in a myocardial infarction (150 mg / dl). Three-quarters of the inhabitants of Earth does not exceed that level.

Cholesterol is present in all foods of animal origin, and is produced by the body as saturated fats, contained in abundance in animal products. Unlike other fats, cholesterol is located mainly in the lean meat. No food of vegetable origin, by contrast, contains cholesterol.

Lean meat contributes about 20-30% of calories from fat, and cereals, beans, vegetables and fruit less than 10% of total calories come from fat. Moreover, plant foods provide vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and flavonoids, which are also elements play an important role in the prevention of heart disease. Regular consumption of nuts reduces the risk of heart disease. Vegetarians, of whatever category, show a reduced risk of heart disease, and a recent study (1999) notes that the vegetarian diet reduces mortality from cardiovascular disease by 24%. This situation can be further improved by increasing its attention to increasing the recruitment B12, omega-3 and calcium, and to reduce trans fatty acids, hydrogenated and salt. In addition, a vegetarian diet low in fats and high in fiber, can lower blood pressure by 10% regardless of the content in sodium. A further beneficial effect on health status consists of a reduction of tissue deposits of iron, associated with heart disease and hypertension.

obesity and diabetes

Obesity can also reduce the life span of 20 years. Western vegetarians have a lower incidence of obesity and diabetes compared to non-vegetarians. Obesity (BMI> 30, where BMI = Body Mass Index) is a leading cause of diabetes, since it promotes a state of insulin resistance. An increase in BMI due to lower levels of HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) and increases levels of LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol), as well as increasing blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, colon cancer and breast . The ideal BMI is 20-23 for most people. For a person 175 cm high, BMI corresponds to an ideal body weight of 62-71 kg.

A diet high in fiber and low caloric density, that is rich in fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of obesity. By contrast, foods made from "empty calories" (soft drinks, snacks, fats) promote obesity, as well as an excess of protein in the diet. High levels of physical activity, low intake of saturated fat and higher intakes of fiber reduces the risk of diabetes independently of obesity. Plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains instead of refined grains may protect against this increased risk.

Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is epidemic now becoming a trend. Despite the common belief that it is enough to take adequate amounts of calcium to protect bone health, it is seen that the incidence of this disease is high in those countries where the well is high consumption of dietary calcium. Some recent studies have shown that osteoporosis appears to be somehow related to a high consumption of milk, a symbol of excellence for football.

The countries with the highest dairy consumption are Finland, Sweden, New Zealand, the United States and England. These countries are also those with the highest rates of osteoporosis: a similar observation would then persuade the doctors to take a position supported by scientific evidence than those who are the real risk factors and protection against osteoporosis. Bone density depends more on the composition of the diet and physical activity that took place not by simple calcium intake. E 'must be preserved to remain in the skeleton, namely the safeguarding of the total amount of calcium in the body, acting also on the loss of this mineral. The term "calcium balance" means the difference between revenue (+) and outputs (-). When the balance is negative, Total Football, football must be mobilized from the bone, so it weakens.

the bone loss contributing various factors, known as "Thieves Football" means the protein in the diet, especially those animals; il Sodio, sotto forma di Sale da Cucina, e quello contenuto nei Cibi Animali confezionati; la Caffeina; il Fumo; la mancanza di Attività Fisica; l’Alcool; l’uso di alcuni Farmaci (Antiacidi, Antiepilettici, Cortisonici); il Fosforo, contenuto nella carne.

Le Proteine nella dieta provocano un effetto ad “U” rovesciato sull’Osso: fino al raggiungimento della dose giornaliera raccomandata favoriscono la crescita dell’Osso, quando si eccede questa dose, più Proteine vengono introdotte, più Calcio viene sottratto all’Osso. Quindi, non è importante solo la quantità di Calcio assunta, ma il tipo di dieta. Le Proteine producono infatti nel corso the various processes of acid waste, and animal proteins are more acidic, being rich in sulfur amino acids, which passes through the liver produce sulfuric acid. These acids residues must be removed from the body with the urine, and calcium is the ideal buffer for this purpose.

football must therefore be made from vegetables, legumes and fortified foods and is not shown that a high consumption of dairy products prevent osteoporosis.

dementia and Parkinson's disease

dementia and Parkinson's diseases, degenerative debilitating increasingly common in Western societies, appear to be related diet. Once again, the Western diet, rich in simple sugars and refined carbohydrates (high glycemic index), and animal products (rich in saturated fat) and low in unrefined plant foods (with little or no fiber, vitamins, polyphenols and other antioxidants, phytoestrogens) may promote a state of insulin resistance, reduced production of nitric acid, excess free radicals and homocysteine, which can promote the onset of dementia of Alzheimer type.

Recent clinical studies conclude that a diet rich in animal fats is associated with a significantly increased risk of developing Parkinson's disease, while the fats of vegetable origin not increase this risk.

a vegetarian diet at different stages of life

Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy is a period involving an increase in nutritional requirements, so the recommended daily dose (RDA) of many vitamins and minerals is higher than that recommended above. At this stage, increase the need for calories, protein, vitamin D, B12, folic acid and minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc, needed to support the child's growth and to allow adjustments to the body of the mother. As reported earlier, l’ADA sancisce che le Diete Vegetariane e Vegane ben bilanciate sono adatte a tutti gli stadi del ciclo vitale, gravidanza ed allattamento inclusi. Le donne in gravidanza, in generale, necessitano di 300 Calorie in più al giorno, a partire dal secondo trimestre, anche se il fabbisogno soggettivo può variare a seconda del peso corporeo di partenza e dell’incremento ponderale, che deve rispettare i valori stabiliti. Il fabbisogno di Proteine sale di circa il 20%, e durante l’allattamento del 30-35%.

L’ Acido Folico , è un elemento importante da subito per la prevenzione delle malformazioni fetus. Normally the most vegetarian diets are rich in folic acid, and could be conducive to the RDA of 350-400 mcg without the use of supplements, but are recommended. The dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains and legumes are rich sources of folic acid. The RDA of Vitamin B12 , usually 2.0 mcg, increasing to 2.2 mcg and 2.6 mcg in pregnant women during lactation. Because vitamin B12 is important for the development of the nervous system and tissue synthesis, it is important that women take adequate amounts to protect the baby from the risk of deficiency.

The deficiency anemia Ferro è fisiologica in gravidanza, indipendentemente dalla dieta. Tutte le donne durante la gestazione necessitano di alimenti ricchi di Ferro, come verdure con foglie verdi, fagioli e legumi secchi, e frutta secca. Associando tali cibi agli agrumi, si può aumentare l’assorbimento di questo minerale. La RDA del Ferro, normalmente di 18 mg nella donna fertile, aumenta a 30 mg (solo in gravidanza). Per soddisfare questa richiesta, quasi sempre è necessaria l’assunzione di supplementi. Calcio e Vitamina D lavorano in sintonia per garantire lo sviluppo di denti ed ossa. L’assorbimento di Calcio aumenta durante la gravidanza, compensando l’accresciuto fabbisogno, that is 1200 mg per day during lactation, and should be guaranteed adequate exposure to sunlight or supplementation of 10 mcg of vitamin D.

The RDA of Zinc increases during lactation (7 to 12 mg): Good sources of zinc are nuts, whole grains, legumes and popcorn. It 'also important that women regularly use from the beginning of pregnancy at the end of breastfeeding, a source of Omega-3 , such as 1 tablespoon per day of flaxseed oil.

Childhood and Adolescence

vegetarian diets and vegan, plan appropriately, are able to meet the nutritional needs of infancy, childhood and adolescence. The ADA and the American Academy of Pediatrics state that vegan diets allow normal growth of children.

The ideal food for newborns in the first year of life is breast milk. The benefits to the baby include the development of the immune system, protection against infection and the risk of allergies. The benefits to the mother include a decreased risk of breast cancer before menopause, and the issue of anti-stress hormones. For the first 4-6 months, breast milk should be the only food, and are the only viable alternative to infant formula based on soy. Soy milk is usually the market should not be the food of choice until after the year of age. Vegan children breastfed may require vitamin B12 supplements if the mother's diet is inadequate, the older ones may require supplements of zinc and reliable sources of iron and vitamins D and B12. The timing of the introduction of solid foods is similar to that recommended for non-vegetarians. Tofu, dried beans and meat analogs are introduced as sources of protein around 7-8 months of age. Vegan diets are planned to be nutritionally adequate and support the growth of children up to 1 year of age.

In second childhood, and in 'adolescence diets of vegan children meet the RDA for many nutrients, compared with higher intakes of fiber and has the lowest total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol than omnivore children. However, particular attention must be paid in respect of the proceeds of calcium, zinc and iron. Protein needs are slightly higher for vegan children but are easily met with a varied diet that provides adequate energy. It should also be emphasized the importance of introducing a good source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Vitamin B12. If exposure to sunlight is inadequate, it will be a supplement of vitamin D. Vegan children may show a slower growth rate, but complete, while the children Lacto-ovo-vegetarians showed growth comparable to that of omnivores. Children subjected to more restrictive diets such as macrobiotic diets, can - however - have problems of malnutrition.

Old Age

In industrialized countries the average age of the population is increasing, and the elderly are gradually taking over. Our children have a greater chance than us parents to live long. But living like? The maintenance of a Optimal health is the trump card in order to live a happy old age, in health, which can last more than twenty years is a life stage of each individual that is worth living, as one in its pleasant aspects (wisdom gained, potential uses of free time, overcoming many obligations and responsibilities), and those unpleasant (loneliness, physical limitations, depression).

Old age is not synonymous with disease, but the balance of these two aspects is governed by the State of Health, and with advancing age increases the risk of disease. The most frequent diseases are arthritis, arteriosclerosis with hypertension and its complications (stroke with hemiplegia, myocardial infarction, peripheral arterial disease), diabetes, osteoporosis, Parkinson's and dementia. Other frequent diseases, cancer, affect the flow of life in different phases, preventing the individual from age, or by making the elderly victim of enormous suffering.

These diseases, as we have already explained, are preventable with proper nutrition, in varying degrees. Their incidence is significantly higher than in countries where the diet is rich in animal products and low in simple food. In countries where the diet is based mainly on plant foods, these diseases are much less frequent or even unknown.

The adoption much earlier in the life of a vegetarian diet allows then to do much in this direction, and is able to exert beneficial effects well into old age. At this stage of life, the high intake of antioxidants may have a positive impact on the natural aging process itself. The shift to a diet based on plant foods has proven useful even when you have already developed chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis and cancer.

The adoption of a vegetarian diet has revealed a secondary prevention measures that can slow or reverse the course of these malattie, rappresentando una valida alternativa alla terapia medica e chirurgica. Ciò permette di incidere anche sull’utilizzo di farmaci, spesso responsabili di effetti collaterali e di vere e proprie malattie, denominate appunto “malattie jatrogene”.

In età anziana c’è più tempo per curare i vari aspetti dello Stile di Vita, e va posta particolare attenzione a mantenere variata la dieta, con l’uso di cibi crudi e poco lavorati, ricchi di Fibre e di Acqua. Il fabbisogno di tutti i Nutrienti è sovrapponibile a quello dell’adulto, con l’eccezione del Calcio, per il quale vi è indicazione (negli onnivori) ad un lieve aumento delle richieste. E’ important then, as in all age groups, but respect the other variables Positive Lifestyle, such as the practice of regular exercise, eliminating smoking and alcohol, and the assumption of copious quantities of liquids.

Vegetarianism and Sport

To support physical activity and exercise for the players is crucial to choose a diet that meets the high energy needs and energy and meets the requirements necessary for vital functions, for processing temperature control, compensation for losses (sweat, urine, etc..), and turnover of tissues.

In recent years, high-protein diets have been widely publicized to increase athletic performance. To support this type of diets there are many scientific facts.

As explained above, these diets favor the onset of atherosclerosis and heart disease, and therefore are not recommended by the American Heart Association.

Diets high in carbohydrates, low fat and moderate protein content are given for optimal athletic performance. Carbohydrates also provide the primary energy source used during the exercise strenuous and prolonged. In the absence of adequate caloric intake comes from complex carbohydrates, the body is forced to use fat storage and tissue proteins.

The exercise duration, intensity, level of training and the initial amount of carbohydrates stored in muscle as glycogen, the body determine the energy needs of the athlete. In the diet of the athlete, the complex carbohydrates are the fuel of excellence, while proteins are required for the renewal and increased muscle tissue.

The presence or absence of meat in the diet seems irrelevant the level of performance achieved by the athletes. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are ideal sources of carbohydrates and proteins, so a diet based on a variety of cereals, legumes and vegetables is easily capable of providing all the essential amino acids and energy substrate required by the athlete.

The high intake of antioxidants is also able to protect tissues from damage secondary to oxidative stress caused by heavy exercise. Given that the large intake of carbohydrates, essential for the athlete, is more easily achieved with this type of nutrition, well-balanced vegetarian and vegan diets are fully compatible with sports - very intense - and are even recommended for people who do endurance sports.

In particular, the vegan diet is the best choice, because you can get the right protein intake without the disadvantage of introducing animal fats. This diet is then able to bring benefits in the short and long term health (reduction of blood pressure, dyslipidemia, body fat and other risk factors), ensuring the athlete to be able to continue along its sports .


Carl Lewis long jump and speed

Carl Lewis equaled a record that is unmatched and that he thought belonged to the legendary Jesse Owens won four Olympic titles in the same edition of the Games. L '"Lewis was" lasted 17 years, from 1981 to 1997. In 1990, the athlete decided to become vegan, with the advice of Dr. John McDougall: The results speak for themselves! Its success has been the most extraordinary to be able to stay at the top of the sprint and long jump for 15 years, through injuries and losses, with its own, without taking any kind of illegal drugs. First, without the aid of chemistry ... and Vegan!

Ruth Heidrich: Triathlon (Ironman)

six Ironman titles (3.800m of swimming, 180 km cycling and 42 running). He has won over 700 races between marathons, triathlon, pentathlon, and more. E 'and became a vegan triathlete after diagnosis of breast cancer in 1982. E 'president of the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii. "

A vegetarian life

The transition

Some people decide to switch to a vegetarian diet dramatically, others prefer a softer approach. The second mode allows for a transition to more physiological and gives you time to try many new ways to meet nutritional needs. Here are some tips for a smooth transition.

Make a list of foods and menus that normally consumed. Identified between these vegetarian foods, and look on them as place to start. Plan to eat a vegetarian meal several times a week using foods that you like. Add more vegetarian meals revisiting your favorite recipes and get to know tofu, and seitan, food milk alternatives (soy milk, rice, almonds, yogurt and soy or rice puddings) and enhance the traditional Italian cuisine cereals and legumes. Expand your choices looking for new recipes in cookbooks and trying out new products in health food stores. Many vegetarian dishes can be prepared without prescription and without spending too much time in the kitchen.

Make a list of vegetarian dishes that you can eat outside the home, in bars, restaurants, supermarkets and delicatessens. Consider whether your meals include a good variety of whole grains, legumes and soy products, vegetables and fruit every day. If not, try to balance your menu.

Be creative in planning meals, increased consumption of legumes and vegetables to eat both lunch and dinner. Often try new foods, new cereals as couscous, quinoa, bulghur, barley, wheat berries and vegetables and fruits commonly used in other cuisines, such as Chinese cabbage and seaweed (such as nori, kombu, hiziki, etc.).. The variety of foods is the best guarantee that your diet is healthy and focus on the positive aspects of dietary change, rather than on nostalgia for the foods we choose to eliminate, is a key psychological ingredient for a peaceful transition to new habits table.

Another system is effectively progressive elimination of certain food animals, to be made on a weekly, always taking care to bring to your body adequate amounts of nutrients from alternative sources. For example, removing the flesh "red" in the first week, the flesh is "white" the second, the third fish, then eggs and dairy ... After six weeks you will come to be vegan!

Organize and discover new foods

often young or aspiring vegetarians wonder with dismay, "What can I eat ?!?".

But in reality many of the traditional Italian dishes are already vegan, and others may become one with minor modifications. There are many vegetarian risotto, many pasta sauces, soups and soups made with vegetables and legumes, cakes salted vegetables, legumes cooked in various ways, and all the vegetable dishes that we usually consider as "boundary" can become a good second simply increasing the quantity. Not to mention all the salads, enriched with chopped nuts and oil seeds, seaweed and sprouts are rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins.

possible objection: "But I do not like vegetables!" We can respond by pointing out that "vegetables," the need to eat even non-vegetarians because it contains vitamins, minerals and fiber, essential for our body. So it's not that people should eat a vegetarian "more vegetables" than others. It is not what is commonly called "vegetables" (ie, lettuce, carrots, cooked vegetables, etc..), Which is going to replace the meat. This should be replaced by vegetables, cereals, nuts, and possibly soy or seitan and derivatives. Therefore, being vegetarian is very easy, even without introducing any "new food" in our diet. By the way, though, why not explore new and tasty foods, traditional in other cultures?

Cereals: In addition to rice and durum wheat pasta, there are many other grains that we eat, each Member with a different taste. Try them in soups, meatballs, casseroles, or in flakes and sweet: farro, barley, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, oats, rye, barley, wheat (including its derivatives, co-cous and bulghur us) and maize. The sprouting of the grain enhances the nutrient content.

Legumes: can be used in soups, stews, as well, and raw sprouts, in the form of flour can be used for savory omelets (and an example of chickpeas). The soybean is a legume, but is usually used, even in the form of processed milk, tofu, or soy restored dehydrated. The choice is wide between legumes: lentils, peas, beans, kidney beans, cannellini beans, white beans, English beans blacks, red beans, azuki (called "red soy), peas, grass peas, split peas, lentils, green soybeans.

seeds: the seeds of various plants are rich in vitamins and minerals and precious in the diet of all. Added to salads or pasta sauces, are a tasty "additive" all natural! The most common are pumpkin seeds, sunflower, poppy, flax, sesame, amaranth. A mixture of toasted sesame seeds and crushed with the addition of whole salt is an excellent dressing for salads, which is called "gomasio" and can be bought at all natural food stores, also enriched with algae chopped (be careful, it is very salty). Other seeds (cress, alfalfa) may be used as spears.

nuts rich in protein, minerals, vitamins and vegetable oils. Excellent breakfast, alone or in muesli, chopped salads and desserts, pasta, pate or spreads. The most common are: walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts.

Algae: I am a food rich in iodine and calcium, and are traditional in the East. You can add pieces to soups, to make them easier to digest, or the filling in pies, chopped or grated on salads, and pasta.

Soymilk : rich in protein, there may be flavored in various ways (vanilla, chocolate, etc..) And enriched with various vitamins and calcium. The taste varies widely from one brand to another. A palate not used can not be pleasant when drunk alone, but accompanied with coffee, cocoa, barley soluble, or in the form of puddings and yogurt becomes very attractive. It can be used in the preparation of sweet instead of milk, and leaves no aftertaste.

soy protein restored : are in the form of "steak" or "stew" of dried soybeans, and to be revived in the vegetable broth for a few minutes before cooking. They can be prepared as the traditional stew or steaks in pan, and have the advantage of acquiring the flavor of the gravy, starting from a neutral base. They are very rich in protein, but do not contain other nutrients, so it is best not to abuse it, and always accompanied with vegetables.

Tofu : even if it is called "soy cheese" has nothing to do with dairy products such as flavor. There are many varieties, with very different flavors. Very few varieties are good to eat "natural" with simple oil and salt, but all are excellent for use in pies, stews, or casseroles, why take the taste of other ingredients in the dish. Even the tofu is a food rich in protein.

Seitan : it is a food made from wheat gluten, high-protein. It is sold in various formats: sliced \u200b\u200bfor sandwiches, seasoned with various flavors, smoked, sliced \u200b\u200bto put in a pan, "formless" for stews and casseroles. Instead of tofu, is also very good eaten plain. His appearance is well suited to creating "imitations" of the flesh, then we find also in the form of sausages, roast meat, mortadella, etc..

frozen soy and seitan : obviously you should not base their diet on frozen, but sometimes come in handy! Today there are various chops, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc.. soy and seitan that are really good on the palate, and, although it is always frozen, and then not too healthy, they are still much more similar to the meat.

Recipes Hundreds of recipes sites: / recipes

How to Plan a Vegetarian Diet Balanced

Here a few simple basic principles that provide the basis on which to select foods and plan meals and provide guidance for this type of power.


1. Consuming large quantities and varieties of plant foods.

Plant foods are be consumed daily, so varied and plentiful, and include all types of whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, natural fresh foods, herbs and spices. Regularly consume foods from all groups of plant foods in sufficient quantities to meet the caloric needs, cooked or uncooked, is a guarantee of employment of all nutrients (except vitamin B12), fiber, antioxidants and phytochemicals, which are necessary to balanced diet may be defined.

2. Privilege or a little unrefined plant foods processed.

preference should be given these foods, not processed, and then ricchi di Nutrienti essenziali (Vitamine, Minerali) e Fibre, piuttosto che cibi raffinati e trasformati che molto spesso apportano molte calorie e pochi Nutrienti. Possono fare eccezione alcuni Alimenti di lavorazione industriale, che vengono “arricchiti” con Vitamine e Minerali (Vitamina B12, Calcio).

3. Il consumo di Latte ed uova è facoltativo

Vale a dire che una Dieta Vegetariana deve limitare (od abolire) i cibi animali indiretti, che non solo non sono necessari per ottenere l’adeguatezza nutrizionale della Dieta, ma possono condurre a situazioni di “eccesso” collocando i Lacto-Ovo-Vegetariani nelle stesse fasce di rischio degli Onnivori. In sostanza, il problema delle Diete Lacto-Ovo-Vegetariane può essere quello di essere poco variate (penalizzando l’assunzione di cibi vegetali), di comportare un’eccessiva assunzione di Grassi e Proteine animali e risultare quindi nutrizionalmente NON adeguate. Per contro, l’adeguatezza Nutrizionale di una Dieta Vegana si realizza solo con l’integrazione della Vitamina B12 e la regolare assunzione, tramite gli alimenti, di Calcio, ed acido alfa-linolenico.

4. Il consumo di una vasta gamma di Grassi Vegetali non è dannoso.

I cibi animali indiretti sono ricchi di Grassi Saturi e Colesterolo, mentre i Grassi vegetali, provenienti da nuts, seeds, avocado, olive, soybean and vegetable oils are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, low in saturated fat and cholesterol free. From what we have said so far, it is unclear how these should be focused on the consumption of fats, which can be as high as 30% of total calories, except for specific medical indications.

5. Eat generous amounts of water and other fluids.

The consumption of water, fruit juices and vegetables, herbal teas and tea several times a day allows the intake of vitamins, antioxidants and phytochemicals. Green tea is present in the diet of Asian populations of more than 5,000 years, e risulta essere una ricca fonte di Antiossidanti, soprattutto Flavonoidi.

6. Ricordarsi di porre attenzione anche agli altri fattori responsabili di uno Stile di Vita sano.

Come già sottolineato, la Dieta costituisce uno dei fattori che determinano un sano Stile di Vita. Va posta attenzione anche alla pratica di regolare esercizio fisico, alla frequente esposizione alla luce solare, ad adeguato riposo, all’astensione da abitudini voluttuarie nocive quali fumo ed alcool, ed a limitare esposizioni prolungate a stress di qualunque natura.



  • Walter Pedrotti, The new Spoon Green , Demeter, Verona, 1996.
  • G. De La Bigne Lepetit, A. Lover, Vegetarian nutrition , Ed New Techniques, 1994.
  • Nico Valerio, The natural food , Ed Mondadori, 1992.
  • M & K Messina, The Vegetarian Way , Three Rivers Press (NY, USA), 1996.
  • Dean Ornish, Dr. Dean Ornish 's Program for Reversing Heart Disease: The Only System Scientifically Proven to Reverse Heart Disease Without Drugs or Surgery , Ivy Books, 1996.
  • Hans Diehl, Aileen Ludington, Health Power , Herald Publishing Association, 2000.
  • Joan Sabaté, Vegetarian Nutrition, CRC Press, 2001.
  • Luciana Baroni, Hans Diehl, Decide to feel good , Ed Probe, 2004.

books in English can be obtained directly from the site SSNV.


Luciana Baroni is a hospital physician, neurologist and specialist in geriatrics, President of the Scientific Society of Vegetarian Nutrition, wrote and edited the translation of publications relating to the Food and Lifestyle.

Published Online: 30 Dec 2004 -- Copyright © by SSNV
/ All rights reserved.