Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Maternity Uniforms Police
I have a stomach ache moderate. A hungry beast. A pimple on a roof. Confused. Need a pair of red shoes. Just lit a cigarette between his lips that is consumed. Posted a lot of stuff on facebook bulimic style of the web. A garter for New Year. A life very healthy. A cat more and more obese. A strange desire to live. The usual color to Tim Burton . The rickety shoulders. The skinny legs. The muscles toned. The house that smells of boiled vegetables. A Brompton . Many friends. Good intentions. Few complaints. A mad love for salads of Naples. A fast pace. Hair questionable. A job. Usually the dream and the usual ambition. The nail enamel. Leisure. A trip to do. A appointment for the cinema. Some atavistic fear. No new fear. No good purpose for the new year. A feast for 31. A package to be withdrawn. Thoughts to myself. Thoughts for us. A personal record to be overcome in the race. Smiles from strangers. Increased self . A nice pack figures packaged shit already. Un'irruenza increasingly difficult to manage. Less outspoken. Less hair everywhere. And most importantly, a new aesthetic.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Congratulation On Sorority Initiation Event
1 At thirteen, what did you do?
agent Michael Jackson
2 In the best of all possible worlds the word should be abolished? Basically
and "half" to indicate the 50 cents, for example: a euro and a half ..
3 If your life were a movie what would be your director?
David Lynch
4 Hell force you to always read a book: which one?
Any of Bruno Vespa
5 You have the absolute power for a day: the first thing you do?
change the rules and I attach a perpetual
6 One thing I've never understood the people?
Why is so determined to stubbornly hang on the balcony a Santa Claus climbing the ladder
7 How do you imagine heaven?
As a place where the wine does not mal di testa il giorno dopo
8 La tua casa brucia: cosa salvi?
La borsa di Claudio Sanò, Pignolo e Pippa.
9 Il vero lusso è?
Vivere di rendita e scrivere libri
10 Ti rimangono 12 ore di vita: cosa fai?
La kamikaze a palazzo Grazioli
11 Un posto dove non sei mai stato e vorresti andare?
A Cuba
12 Una cosa che volevi e non do you have?
A Strega Prize
Italy 13 If I say what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Pizza, mafia, mandolin and Berlusconi?
14 The thing I care most about?
My ass (figuratively and otherwise)
15 My most successful?
What is yet to come
16 What do I fear?
misunderstanding and cellulite
17 Three things I love?
Writing, eating and drinking, heels 12 cm.
18 Three things I hate?
Bad taste, opportunism, eggs
Sunday, December 12, 2010
How Long To Wait To Wax After Tanning
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Allergic To Hydroquinone
There are now so rarely on here, that I very nearly forgot the password. Meanwhile, the window view minibalcone Ursuline nuns Carmelite bitches, kids were screaming like pigs get slaughtered and hung by their balls from the slaughterhouse hook. I wonder sometimes, but what they are feeding to sti here 6 years and who are as big as cows grazing, whose deep voice hoarse smoker's Roman township, who have 45 feet and I'll fuck intercepts only if their eyes and complain if you split the nose with a newspaper?.
When I was little, shit, I was little! And I had all the small little things: the little voice, her little hands, the facciuccia , the teeth, legs, butterfly and we understood each other. They meet them at the corner hidden behind a dumpster who want to sell crack and anesthetic for horses. He says: "Last month my daughter leaving asylum has suffered a sexual assault," "My god, a pedophile", "but no, it was his own age, to be honest was a tad bit younger ".
In short, to see them, the monsters of our times, would not you of riprodurti . All that effort, the belly, swollen legs, prolapse of the bladder, the huge expansion of tits, stretch marks, then, as suggested by biblical, give birth in pain and you are out of this alien you stick to skin for months until, just will not say two words on the cross, will send you to hell. Then you see them turn, the parents totally dominated and depressed, with huge SUV, equipped with baby walkers, tricycles and strollers and lavaculi and Cock and decks, then when you get out, get there to pull out all the 'paraphernalia twists and turns you, you've spent 40 minutes and then, what do you resolve? you just slip the 'alien in portaalien him, the record time of one nanosecond, he begins to scream. So, in general, the largest primate, the one responsible for defense of offspring, if the bears throughout the afternoon, so when you retire at night in the cave, he will go to rot arms legs and chest, for Not to mention the bone lumbosacral dislocation .
will I rode a bit ' ass in this period, but everywhere I go I see that horror. Yesterday I was at the mall of course, is not it properly il posto migliore per aprire con se stessi una sentita riflessione sul senso intrinseco dell'estetica dell'essere, se mai quello che ho appena scritto significasse qualcosa.
Però vabbè , necessità. Ero al centro commerciale e succede come per magia, come fossi in un sogno contorto di quelli che ti fanno sudare e che vorresti svegliarti ma non ci riesci, di quei sogni che un freudiano interpreterebbe come in genere interpretano ogni cosa, scopare scopare scopare, ma che ovviamente non è così. Insomma, sono al centro commerciale e vedo questa tipa, che la cosa meno coatta che ha addosso è lo stivale bianco a punta con le frange countrie , smoking. That is, smoking.
cigarette in his mouth, cigarette butts on the ground and smoke in the middle of the mall, all lights and windows, babies and families, teenagers with pimples, people dressed in orange or electric blue or green to promote the new drink milk or whale cream for the face of capocollo pig, aseptic place par excellence, where every two feet so big there is a sign that says no smoking, and this smoke.
At that point I was supposed to go to her house and repay the anger that made me feel. An avalanche of outrage, a Fracchia of outrage, a quantity of N-squared perennial outrage. Go to her and say something like: you have hibernated in 2005 and will thawed only six hours, you're blind and therefore do not see the signs, you can not read or what? But then she would split the nose with a newspaper and I'd ended up in hospital and then I got a faint and be like Dante, have left the scene by cmq my terrible figure.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
came to me a kind of cosmic occipital which involves filling the entire top of the skull from the nose up. I feel like a housewife barge stops the test of the cook, secretly, I had been sectioned horizontally and had his skull filled with minced meat, béchamel and breadcrumbs as you do with the butt of a stupid turkey.
Now, this sort of amorphous mass better defined as shapeless mass, I would like the ability to think clearly.
Not that I was the first world champion polished reasoning, however short, from here to there like an amoeba wandering dazed passes. Meanwhile, all I do is to produce this: ehhhh? not because we do not feel good, feel us feel, but just because the blob is preventing me from struggling to catch even the simplest of concepts, this made me uneasy because I have the feeling of losing that crucial decisions regarding my private life that make the difference.
- Raw or cooked?
- ham, raw or cooked?
- Ehhhh?
- Cru-to-do or cot-
- Next another
I feel vulnerable and socially reflective. Vulnerable in these conditions because anyone could make me do things I would never do or never approved in the times of maximum cognitive efficiency.
- It's your dishes
- Ehhhhhh?
You have to do dishes - but I have not washed it yesterday?
- ... you have to do something for this bad cold .. Meanwhile keep these ..
- What are they?
- A homeopathic remedy for respiratory tract congestion
- seem ...
- Yes, but do not seem to have a homeopathic remedy.
- ...
- put them in the hands, open the tap and begin to lather.
- ....
- are waterproof
- ....
- They are yellow, but if you prefer there is another pair Green .. fates
Reflector you have a cold because when people avoid you and not to do it subtly as it is more scope to act in general, but his contempt mixed with terror for a hypothetical contagion, I will openly manifest.
- What's wrong?
- Ehhhhhh?
- Are you cool?
- Ehhhh?
- Take care
away - I had brought a coffee
- Do not take a step more, they are armed
- ....
- Agent Morgan has just called for reinforcements, resting on the ground coffee and calmly removed his hands up
- ....
Then I have this voice, the kind that since breath with the mouth, just talking to her nose. I have a nasal tone, but so so nasal that the president of the Piedmont in Rome has called me to propose me to become an honorary member.
And I of course I said Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
How Much Is A Pound Of Change Worth
Italy in the role of "Ithaca."
Berlusconi and his government in the role of "The Suitors."
Bersani and PD in the role of "Telemachus."
Penelope in the role of "Finish".
Nichi Vendola the role of "Ulysses."
Rosi Bindi the role of "Athena"
Book One:
Athena goes to Telemachus, saying
- AOSTA, Bambalotto, get woken up na, if they are all here to Magna.
Telemachus then takes courage and decides to confront the suitors in parliament usurpers.
Book Two: My
I lost my father! I say my? Popol
of Ithaca, our: all father
much more than a king, proved Ulysses.
And that evil, alas, the other s'arroge,
me that every substance gets lost, and all his bottom
Spiantasi me this house. Boring
siege reluctant mother
Poser de 'Achivi first of the children.
The whole day in my palace instead
Banchettan handsomely, and the flower of the flock
fret and the herd, and filled
the best vintage voting polls,
Vivona me: neither hath a second Ulysses
to evacuate from among us examine this plague.
for so I am not, nor equal
To work in me is experience and strength. Oh avess'io
so, how I long for the! Then
that crosses any sign of their sins.
And, most m'ange, but with shame I. Ah, but kindled in you
noble defiance;
fear the blame of people around;
immortals gods, perhaps not fall
Of the sins of 'suitors in you the trouble, fear
Wrath. For the Olympian Jupiter,
thematically, that boards amassing and melts,
These, friends, pitted against
of Stay, and let me
condolences to the prey in the sun, that the father gives me.
What arrogant rival to deeds unjust
Trascorran blind mind, I am silent.
Svelgono Tis true, since its roots,
The house of the Grande, which terminated
hope to return, but risk at least
Porgon life. Ben am angry with you,
With you, dumb and lazy and cowardly
you were there or at one bike your
aitate illustrious Lord. Alas!
the many by the few remain overwhelmed and defeated. "
At the conclusion of the speech of Telemachus, the suitors lazy cowards approfittatori, si fanno una gran risata e continuano a mangiare a sfondo e a bere a gargarozzo. Il leader della coalizione si intrattiene con quattro ancelle minorenni.
Telemaco disperato, prende la via del mare con la speranza di aver notizie di suo padre, Ulisse.
Penelope, va a coricarsi sul freddo talamo mentre intanto indugia sul da farsi.
Disfa la tela per ritesserla il giorno dopo.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My Wife Cheats With Mandingo
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Denise Milani Gallery Wrestling
Di questi tempi avere una figlia minorenne è davvero una gran fortuna.
A questo punto ci starebbe benissimo un lodo jus primae noctis, una specie di carta che le famiglie indigenti di operai, insegnanti, precari in vari settori e cassaintegrati, could play as an alternative to unemployment benefits or pension or contract of decent work.
I give the king a bona average minor, he gives me 80 thousand euro. More
the minor is bona, more family smiles ..
Imagine what a change in terms of increased birth rates and that sort of revolution of values \u200b\u200band lifestyle! All
begin to reproduce at age 14 in order to have ready baked provocative minors at the time of entry into the world of work. Would fall into disuse said congratulations and sons, no one would worry more loans, the rate for the cabinet to sixteen doors, holidays in mutilated and pieces, not all, of course, say those in a position minor children to produce bone in line with the discussion of meritocracy, the Minister for Public Administration.
could be established rankings that take into account the eligibility criteria such as the level or degree of bonaggine, income and number of household members, age and a certain innate propensity puttanizia.
All clean, all institutionalized, bureaucratized everything.
You fill out and submit the appropriate form 69 download from the Ministry of bunga bunga whose minister, Pamela Anderson, personally check the validity of the applications received. A
same score and chronological age of the competitions would be established: three tests, two oral and anal.
Cracks could write reference manuals for the preparation of aspiring competitions theory and practice fellatio; Methodology Applied crevices vol.1, 2 and 3, Zen and the art of maintaining the pussy, Metaphysics: that the boundary down vol.1 and 2, the Met: the one from the waist up vol.1 and 2.
would be established later special schools, secondary schools for young ladies interested in learning more amatory techniques of the ancient Romans and Greeks and vocational institutions that initiate, immediately after graduation, to work on the freeway.
Teachers would be recruited directly on the sets of porn movies, selection would be ruthless, even in this case the same score to count the years of experience in the field, at least 10 and be accompanied by boobs and penis in a single solution.
could then run some nice format for the RAI state television, the compelling reality, in which the contestants vie for the Latvian Putin, I can think of some titles: The big brother of the Prime Minister; Retreat buxom ; The Farm of Palazzo Grazioli etc etc, but certainly our authors television people enlightened, creative and brilliant, they would know for sure you want to improve ...
What fantasy world.
Considering that the INPS pension does not allow the simulation of the quasi-employees like me to avoid social upheaval, it might be the case that I began to worry seriously about my future.
then I'm going to procreate, and that both female and whore!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Interesting Group Game Activities
If you are unemployed, you do not notice, in practice, the existence of generational conflict .
When you are a student, a sfancazzista , a kept woman (whose main source of income is-too-old with whom you broom), an idler / time / space, etc., etc., do not you do not realize the generational conflict, in other words, what are the old bastards.
What then says that old saying is ugly, out of place.
Va bene. Chiamiamoli anziani, prepensionati , uomini e donne con molta esperienza, esseri umani di mezza età, insomma chiamiamoli come minchia vi pare ( io li chiamo vecchi), rimane il fatto che tra un giovane e uno così ci passano almeno 35 anni di differenza e 35 anni sono un mondo con tutte le sue ere geologiche, un mondo che per altro ha fatto il suo tempo, è bello che andato, della serie molla, io uso il computer e tu le pergamene, come la mettiamo? per esempio..
Ora, il fatto che si sia vissuto di più nel senso di più a lungo non è di per sé sinonimo di migliore, di qualitativamente migliore, intendo.
Pensate a Priebke .
Who would ever think of saying, ah, you know, he, he is wise, has 190 years, he has understood what is the meaning of life, go to my son, goes to him, you have much to learn .. .
Now, the generational conflict , (think of Freud's Totem and Taboo- leaving for a second the Oedipus complex, please) is the most bloody potentially there could be at the level of human drives ; think. Respect for the old, the feelings of kindness, sense of nurturing and protection, admiration for a life lived almost entirely ... we say, come on, who knows what he has seen, who knows what I can learn from a galloping for 90 years .. What are these attitudes
? nothing more than palliatives in the form of social norms dictated by unconscious community to prevent a young pair an old man bludgeoned.
Now you may ask: why a young person would never bludgeon an old man? bludgeoned in a broad sense and not?
Why? because the old are conceited, stubborn, granite. Why old, even when they say shit, they are not even taken down with bombs, cemented by their positions. Why
old are always right them, according to them, because according to them you do not understand a shit, not because have heard the sense of your reasoning, but simply because you're young.
priori wrong because you're young.
priori not count Fucking because you're young. And things do not know.
- Sorry old man, we should close the throttle
- Ah, too 'I like you I was your age, so full of energy is not channeled
- We could, please, open a window?
- You're young, you still have time
to learn - I agree, but at least turn on the light
- Eh eh eh eh, as you can see that you lack the experience!
Then jump in the air and fuck.
In short, the sense is that, the old story of the experience that goes round and round the chase you forever. The experience here, the experience beyond the concept, would add quite stifling, reaching levels of killer instinct, if there is projected in a working environment.
- The boy cries
- you'll see that will bear fruit
- You're whipping
- Corporal punishment fortify the spirit
- How can you solve a problem algebraic while the whip?
- Ah, you're young, as you can see that you are missing experience.
- not breathing, is dead ..
- Anch 'your age I jumping to wrong conclusions .. you miss the experience ..
Now before you dismiss this claim with this outburst universal and philosophical, I might add, for all new employees, newcomers, those who are new to the environment, those who have just arrived and well, we understood each other, I would repeat for all those who are repeat until the bulging experience this shit, I tell them that the economy of a job well done, experience counts for 2%, that if you put a new graduate engineer to make a bridge, you can be sure that the bridge makes you say, if we metti un geometra che lavora da 45 anni, è probabile che il ponte te lo faccia lo stesso, ma io eviterei di passarci sopra e anche sotto.
Quello che voglio dire è che l'esperienza sono bravi tutti a farsela, basta che il tempo passi e che ci si ritrovi a fare lo stesso mestiere per 50 anni.
Quello che conta è ovviamente la preparazione , ossia la formazione. La formazione continua, perché il mondo è plastico e si muove e le teorie cambiano e i metodi pure e nuovi argomenti vengono fuori perché oltre a essere plastico il mondo è anche un affare complesso, di una complessità tale che non basta essere allenati a fare grazie al fact that the ' abitudinarietà you glued to a role on which you do not update since 1956.
So, dear, I certainly do not approve you with clubs to break the jaw of the old man the next time you drive out the history of experience, but to send him to fuck you. At least that
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Dollhouse Sizing Clothes
The blog is dead.
Sure you can, if God is dead can die even a blog, but it is not, fear not.
is I who have died. Brain. A little. Apart from the black cat, that what has now become a habit ... when it crosses in front of me now I care. Then, in short, I would like to know when people treat me with youngsters. That is, what is the average age at which one ceases to be young and an adult. Sure, it's all relative, it depends on many things, now for example I have 31 years and yet are afraid of a pussy (the feeling is that, yes, especially fear) are minimal, I look like a teenager, I have hair crazy and I certainly do not dress like a parchment. This helps to mix the cards and people in general, gives me 21 years or a maximum of 24.
is also worth reflecting on the work environment, the average age of my colegio fluctuates between 58 and 123. This information should I say, affects not just the perception of a certain pischelleria or pischellaggio pischellume or chronic apparently manifest.
Now, on closer inspection, it's not that I mind much look young even if they are not. Does it matter if they are young enough to look like?
not bat an eyelid.
And then, Let's face it, I am child at heart.
I tease and resentments. I got crazy and I thought futile certificate and if the man sitting next to our table suddenly exploded?.
laugh if someone falls.
laugh if someone says ass. (You can not know, but I laugh even now as write it, ass).
are tripped or champion, the Two Women, to cianghetta.
eat pop corn, potato chips and even the summer calippo despite my age is ambiguous and even a little pig.
I like the All-Star jeans and a sigarettissima blacks who wear emo.
Every time I go back I put the desire and the lobes pearsing I had in the language and the eyebrow.
are no wiser.
are irascible and quarrelsome.
are diplomatic as a hyena.
I have no clear sense of limits.
'm too conceited, but so conceited that sometimes I do embarrass herself.
are annoying like a spoiled little girl.
'm a spoiled little girl.
Fracca spend money with no plans and no prospects.
And finally, for 5 days per month bear his diaper.
Vostra babybarf.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Milena Velba2009 Freeones

l'espressione mezzo euro, gli stuzzicadenti , la gente che dice bella mia, i giovanotti e le giovincelle , le unghie con le applicazioni colorate tipo cozza sullo scoglio, le donne volgari, il PDL , le ministre troie da calendario, le brutte figure, le ostriche e le alici, le ali di pollo fritte, potrei anche vomitare, quelli che si definiscono fidanzati, i pomicioni sulle panchine, le bambine vestite di rosa, le bambine con minuscoli bambolotti in braccio, le bambine che spingono minuscoli passeggini per i loro minuscoli bambolotti, quelli che dicono: ma perché drink the bitter coffee? is already so bitter life, the banality, the high school students who copied versions of Latin and greek on the internet, the loneliness of prime numbers, and Moccia Vanzina , Maurizio Costanzo and that ceases to his wife, pop music Italian, the Italian boy band, the boy band, the various Marco, Giulio Tizio and Caio out by the various talent reality show or Italians, the Roman used as a first language and official language, the league, the Northern League, the hair cat, ingrown hairs, hair in general, bad taste, streaks, fat women with short skirts and tight shirts, boots summer, the hypocrisy, the 'incompetence , loss of appetite and women always on a diet, the snails, the ones who can not tell you that he likes you, the cowards, the abstainers, those that: no raw meat, raw fish even those who eat on the subway, those who do not leave the tram in place for the elderly, the elderly who did not retire, sweat, small, spherical objects, gold yellow, radical chic, and those who say they do not know what that means, those who read Vespa , voters Berlusconi, Berlusconi and its newspapers, Berlusconi and his dogs, populism, envy, D 'Alema , friendships involved, people who complain, the catastrophic , the Roses without thorns, fussiness, prudence, the meanness, wisdom, priests, nuns, the dog poop on the sidewalk, the big dogs off leash, the province, rain and humidity, the North Europe in August, the English, the poverty of English language, the fact that I can not learn English, the people who say easy, cheap and absolutely you, morbidity, low profiles, children to the theater, the festival of San Remo, Carla Bruni and the people asphyxiating, the sticky, the ones who say they left their house and then have a carer of Romania, the Ukrainian cleaning lady, her lover and goes to Polish Nigerian prostitutes, those who dicono ci rubano il lavoro, quelli che i rom sono tutti ladri, il papa e la chiesa cattolica, gli omofobi , quelli che i gay vanno curati, le scarpe a punta, le ascelle non depilate, le schiene con i brufoli, il rossetto non rosso, le labbra rifatte, la gente che mi definisce alternativa e io che rispondo: alternativa a cosa, gli uomini che non si arrendono alla calvizie, gli uomini con le camicie a maniche corte, la montatura d'occhiali enorme e quadrata da mongoloide, il tifoso accanito, i cibi light , la birra analcolica, quelli che nella vita non ci provano, i logorroici, il narcisismo esasperato, i congiuntivi sbagliati, quelli mi mandano in bestia, i denti mancanti, il mal di denti, le brutte metafore in fiction, women who cry in front to humiliate the men who, in Mandarin films that won the Locarno Film Festival, Sofia Coppola and people overvalued, saying the people want anything too tight, proverbs in general, charred flesh that is my mother .. .
Continued ...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Python Is Not Recognized As An
Type the superstition.
I do not believe it. Soon.
morning walk way and at some point of the journey, always the same, identically spit every day of my life from Monday to Friday for two years now, who do you see? a black cat. What
Well, I say, life smiles at me.
With teeth rotten.
I stop for a few seconds, hoping that someone comes behind me whistling to peck at the time that the jinx is still there, in the air, looking round while the loser in the meantime, turn in circles as in most classic cases which commemorates the cucumber in search of dell'Ortolano ass.
Obviously there is not any. And of course I'm late, therefore, go back and take the long route will not speak.
Well, I say, life smiles at me.
with rotten teeth and a few.
I take courage and apnea superstitious sketch but as a hint of a step in a horror movie, the cat reappears from under a car and cross again. And two
I doubled over in pain.
And then again. Three
. I begin to slap
And again.
The final blow, vomiting green baby food as the child of the exorcist.
bewildered, prostrate, degraded, dehumanized , in a penitent, kneeling, walking on his heels, crawling like an amorphous form of prehistoric life, chewing broken glass, shredding armpits with hairpins, through the pass of bad luck universalcosmicainterplanetaria in front of me.
Now I want to say to all those who have loved me, I mean short, I believe that the end has come for me, that there is nothing more to do. The bad luck has made the commitment, he wanted to be explicit, perhaps to lack confidence in my abilities of comprehension so that if one does not get it, I send you four, so we are sure, there are no misunderstandings.
Let's just say that he wanted to eliminate any doubt interpretation about what the fate in store for me, probably , after a warning so sharp it will not arrive until tomorrow, maybe I will die instantly, maybe they are already dead and the keyboard is for itself.
short, everything can be.
The black cat had a red collar, I say so, out of sheer curiosity, unpretentious, even has a meaning in particular ' interpretation of the dark, violent death, with the highest type of physical suffering, for example.
Sure, it might well be that when the black cat passed back and forth on the trail of bad luck left on the tarmac, this is neutralized, so two for two 4, one washes the other bad luck, in my place and who killed the 33 Trent s 'is seen we have seen.
might work on the same principle of double negation in Latin.
Or, as is likely to be, at any moment I caught a pot of geraniums on the head, between the occipital bone and that other and fuck.
Who knows.
Since then, clearly, clearly, significantly a sign fatal to the cube of the square, according to the mathematical formula so on summarized :
{[(∜ 2 ² × ☁ 2 ¼ ≠ ¼ `) ÷ cat <∫> jinx ± 2 +2 + 2]} = σΥ ¿✞ ☠ ✞
I will. Following highly detailed list of goods and material and moral persons to whom they are intended:
⠟ ⠵ ⠢ ⠩ ⠮ ⠺ ⠁ ⠘ ⠍
⠩ ⠟ ⠋ ⠺ ⡾ ⢧ ⢢ ⢍
⢃ ⢗ ⡆ ⡗ ⡧ ⡉ ⡘
⣒ ⢣ ⣆ ⢰ ⣂ ⣡ ⣝ ⠒ ⠅ ⠟
P.S l'elenco è in Braille

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Red And Brown Wedding
Questa mattina ho certe occhiaie che neanche la fossa oceanica.
Sembrano buchi neri dentro cui tutto finisce e infatti non trovo più niente e mi innervosisco e poi il gatto si è fatto le unghie sul divano nuovo e lui però, bastardo, è sempre qui e per farlo sparire non bastano i buchi neri. Dovresti lanciargli una crocchetta dal balcone forse, anche se poi non è nemmeno sicuro che ci vada appresso, è probabile, ma non è sicuro.
Questa mattina mi rode il culo perché questa città è un quartiere nel quartiere e quando soffro d'asma e I'm not breathing well particularly asphyxiated village on Saturday and this dimension of the village makes the situation worse and makes me cyanotic and hate those faces, the faces always greet you and you stop and chat while I roll around in anonymity, only to be hidden among other, invisible, I would disappear continuing to be among the world who does not care for me while I do not care about him.
While I do not care about him.
And then this morning it is raining and there is a hood that I would beat me on the brain and the eye sockets that expand and expand eating hectares of epidermal and I are coming down to the chin because cheeks if they are already eaten and so the nose and lips and even if no one can hear me scream because I have not only voice but it was huge and swollen gray to tell me things that are not true to say that Last night I made the dawn and I with debauchery for anything and everything in between, hypocritical, because I've actually seen only a mediocre film and made small talk in the streets in San Lorenzo.
And this morning in heavy cosmic crushes me the time and I attappa nostrils and I clog the pores and makes me spray ventolin revived for the lungs as you do with an old car undone by mileage years and years and years of old glories.
And this morning I think about the cosmic heaviness of cynicism and the fact that, yes, cynicism helps. And I think the and the fact that rationality is the rationality helps. And the irony and the fact that, yes, even the irony helps, dehumanizes, lightens , plays down . plays down the ugliness of life and lightens the load of sensitivity to things that seem horrible because dehumanizes and makes you play with everything and it seems to work, does not always work.
sometimes fails and then I start to laugh, a hysterical laugh which is always better to laugh than cry. You can not cry at work, not professional, you laugh, make you laugh a jovial person, even if there is a fucking laugh, even if that laughter is a lump of vomit you back as bitten by a pit of the stomach and stops the throat, where it becomes rice, and laugh, laugh, long live Aristotle, who always praised Aristotle rice because it is true that it has the power to make you invulnerable of make you a shell and wrap the world with a sublime mantle of moral superiority that I am a good and right. I'm never wrong, I just accidentally. I am arrogant presumption is my weapon, I'm afraid I will not do shit but because are presumptuous and arrogant and good and right and ideologically pure and free, and all that touch must turn gold. Why keep laughing, even if I'm dealing with a skin of a human being all the time and I invent the world because is that being a bit ' not peel and will jump the fatal because is a bit ' less skin, because I laugh and tears I leave the Madonnas.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Mount And Blade Mod Sword Of Damocles
To insindacabile giudizio la Magnifica giuria Proclama vincitori ex aequo del concorso internazionale scrivi un post per me: Famohpsse, DiamondDog e Misentosservato.
Il primo premio consiste in Gianfilippadisavoia, pertanto la Magnifica giuria invita i vincitori aventi diritto al ritiro del premio, a segnalare tempestivamente tramite e mail, raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno o piccione viaggiatore, la sezione di gatto preferita.
Disponibili su catalogo:
- testa
- zampe anteriori più porzione di busto più collo
- zampe posteriori più porzione di busto più coda.
The Magnificent jury.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Alpine Cde Wire Colors
The international competition WRITE A POST FOR ME NOT ME IT TAKES provides free and voluntary participation of those who want to write a post for me.
The best post in imitation of signed will be published on this site;
the third ranked win € 3, VAT included, plus the signed print of your post by ' administrator of this blog, the second
classified vincerà una fornitura completa di Amoxicilina e Acido Clavulanico , più un fazzoletto bianco con su stampate le labbra fatte di rossetto dell' amministratore di questo blog;
il primo classificato vincerà Gianfilippa di Savoia corredata di tutto il necessario alla sua sopravvivenza più un dettagliatissimo libretto delle istruzioni scritto di tutto pugno dall' amministatore di questo blog.
Il giudizio della magnifica giuria è insindacabile .
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Genital Herpes In Dogs
Ieri notte ero su Mtv e mi azzuppavo certi video pallosissimi di rapper americani, hip-hop that I just can not do it, it makes me feel bad, in the intestine. Anyway at some point, they send a video of little boys sti here, as you see are colorful, like emo, tio 80 years, blue vertigo type, the type of guy with blue hair Velvet Goldmine (the movie) then remember that even the lead singer of green day and placebo in addition to some divine also David Bowie, pop poppissimo type, type rock n roll Robot Alberto Camerini practically are a bunch of stuff properly kneaded by a good record and the girls go crazy.
And I thought, holy Madonna. I thought. Of course the music of teenagers is really a shit, I thought.
Then I checked on wiki and found that the type in question, that of the group pappadiroba has 28 years, two less than me (three, go ..) and face adolescents. So I
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Coach Purses Outlet, Mn
Like every year I go there with my grandparents in Ciociaria after my two inseparable bike.
The area on the border of Lazio, Abruzzo is particularly suited to mountain biking. I will not be certainly miss the chance to explore an area of \u200b\u200bItaly for the most unknown and valued, but that has much to offer both as views that as a trail. This year I decided to make a detour in the mountains close to Ernici an inevitable round of cycle-touring and exploring the surrounding mountains Simbruini. The latter are particularly suited to mountain biking, hilly and fairly low difficulty is not excessive. Do not miss however, very technical trails that will satisfy even the most rowdy freeriders. The area is very suggestive of Simbruini: a boundless plateau is a patchwork of clearings devoted to pasture and beautiful beech forests, all surrounded by mountains with gentle profiles and generally covered with forests. The contrast between the barren and arid plains with lush forests abounding in springs and streams is incredible. It seems to continually come in two different worlds that coexist in perfect harmony.
few photos Simbruini:
This year, however, dependent on experience at the Gran Paradiso, I opted for a spin-cycle nature of mountaineering. My goal is Mount Monna at 1950.
great views that can be seen on the ridge that leads to the enchanting and wonderful descent Abbey Trisulti ... a tour not to be missed!
I can not wait to return for further exploration in the area ... maybe you'll have to Abruzzo! We'll see ...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Cruising Spots Maryland
spend their entire life reading great ideas, famous writers, great stories.
We delude ourselves to be grown.
We look back and think about how we were young, in high school, that little monster in place of the province and heave a sigh of relief because we have a clear sense of essercela fared.
've made it to escape, to save us.
E 'clear to many that are not born a Roma, ma in un piccolo paese inculato nella provincia remota al centro del Lazio, dove piove sempre e fa freddo e ci sono le montagne ma non troppo vicine da potersene almeno beare.
In cui le persone hanno teste concave e vuote o piene di cazzate.
Che poi è uguale.
In cui sei, esisti in relazione alla tua famiglia d'origine, il metro di misura è tuo padre e quel che fa, tua madre e quali circoli frequenta, tuo nonno, se da lui ha avuto inizio la tua fortuna. La tua casa, quante stanze ha, se ha la piscina, la donna delle pulizie, se è romena o figlia di ex contadini delle campagne, l'auto, quante ne hai, se c'è quella del papà, quella grossa e quella della mamma, quella più piccola, la city \u200b\u200bcar to go shopping and go to church and to visit friends or go to the hairdresser every week to get to the tint of the same color all the local women and the styling of the same towards all women in the place.
The first day of school, the gymnasium, the literature teacher took him in and around each of us, teenagers Reeks and frightened, he asked: what job does your father do? and your mother?
And I, like everyone said and then did not seem so strange as it seems to me now. Basically my father has never been a mafia nor my mother a whore, so I had nothing to be ashamed of. I was a little pissed off and too little still to tell the man, a teacher of Latin and greek (for charity, very good person and good teacher), but that fucking question is that? What the fuck do you fuck? and above all: what the hell does this have with Cicero and Xenophon and fuck you, I exercise the right to remain silent.
In this school there were children of surgeons and cardiologists, the children of industrial ammanicati and offenders, children of notaries, bankers, I do not know, stuff like that, from guilds and crafts of the twelfth century, and it still is, and how those children in the Middle Ages high school students to play a role in plaster immobilisation, would, with their future studies, protected the activities of those belonging to the same occupational caste.
Street, sparati a prendere la laurea, col guinzaglio corto, recuperato non appena fosse giunto il momento, messi nell'aziendina di papà, nella clinica di papà, nello studio di papà, a vivere la vita che ha vissuto papà pronti a produrre figli che vivranno la stessa vita di tutti i loro padri, pronti a sposare la fidanzatina vergine del liceo, vestita sobria, la tendenza è il nero, con le sue scarpe griffate ma sobrie, le sue gonnelle da 500 euro che il mio sarto romeno te le fa uguali a 30, i capelli ben pettinati e scuri, che man mano che passano gli anni si accorciano e prendono quella piega oscena delle loro madri . E lo stesso colore tendente al castano chiaro, in alcuni casi biondo opaco ed è ovvio, perché il parrucchiere è lo stesso e anche lui rimarrà lì, come una colonna dorica, secula seculorum, tramandando ai figli e ai figli dei figli che avranno studiato moda e design a Milano, l'arte della messa in piega.
E i pargoli, con nomi strani, quei nomi che i provinciali danno ai nuovi nati o ai cani, perché pare figo, è un tratto distintivo, quasi a dire: io sto vivendo la vita di mio padre che è stata quella di mio nonno, ma mio figlio, cazzo, lui si chiama Falco o Iceberg o Lux!
E le mogli che si fanno il segno della croce a Natale nella cattedrale dove confessano peccati a metà e sfoggiano abiti comprati apposta, l'abito della festa e anche se tutto ciò fa molto sabato del villaggio, loro si sentono bene lo stesso, feeding on gossip and malice and hypocrisy that is always good manners.
And then, horns to no end.
All this to say that closed societies are evil in the world that Italy is a horrible place where the status quo is perpetuated because there is always an alternative, in which the right will always win, or if you will, Berlusconi's right, even if the city gives the impression of having made it, you can finally breathe, though it seems to take off the feeling of suffocation in which the province has forced you up to 18 years, is an illusion . Optics, acoustics, ideological. And if you really Bersani will make his campaign door to door, I swear that compared with open arms and with a baseball bat in hand.
Halloween Poptropica Game To Play
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Fingerboard Shop Internet
Sometimes we live badly wrong for the questions posed or poorly understood or poorly made or poorly digested or poorly addressed or poorly managed or ill-intentioned or ill-governed or Mal, fury of the horse just west of drinking coffee ..
Monday, August 9, 2010
Oh Cards цена
Sometimes it happens that the day take a different turn from what was expected. And now after deciding to add 400 meters uphill to a tour that seemed heavy to her, is definitely a "different course".
We are moving towards the ridge, now I pass every weekend and every time I seem to always more beautiful. After a lovely breakfast the ascent flows much better and when the forest thins out and disappears suddenly opening up the view of a landscape that seems to infinity is always a thrill.
ride on the crest is always hard, ups and downs, learned not cycling, so many people around ... But the thrill of let your eyes away, looking for some reference point that serves to recognize some particular place, is something that can be understood only when one is there.
And in the end is rewarded by wonderful views of other ridge and a long and beautiful descent transport capacity in a different dimension!
Another unforgettable day with the MFTT!
Meritline Dealextreme Focalprice
So here we are at home.
You may have noticed, dear friends, oh you, normal people, the novelty of comment moderation. For a bit
' I really believe that this will be the bad habit, so be patient.
There is no need to explain more, a bit ' because you in your infinite intelligence , you already know everything, a bit ' because these words are too many and the argument really does not deserve even a spit.
What, are as black as a coal. The plants have survived , basil looks like a rubber tree and tomorrow will turn into pesto.
The cat, this evening the recovery.
Hot, is not even that much. The city is deserted
, no longer feel even the children of the sisters, they have already boiled or baked facts coll 'bay.
I broke out the green thumb, at least in intention. From that
ste arrived two tropical plants, exceeded the initial moment of distrust in which we were keeping an eye on each other exchanging greetings, but always at a distance, now I decided that I will become an expert in nurseries.
Last night I shot him two syringes of intravenous vitamins. I have in the coffee grounds and food scraps and judging from the cigarette after that ask me, they seem satisfied.
I also discovered this object of worship that every man (and woman) on the planet should have, is a walking ashtray pocket or handbag or, put anything you like, solve the problem of wild and ciccaggio the stub spilled into the street to the beach on the rock, etc. ..
Sure you can live very well without it, even without an arm, you can live very well, but that has to do with it is better ..
Friday, August 6, 2010
Hard Hitting Bowling Balls
Tours of several days in mtb I've always been fascinated and attracted. They have the ability to isolate myself from the rest of the world, only focused on the prize, I enjoy the leisurely route, surrounded by nature. This year, the spot chosen for our mountain adventure is the beautiful park of Gran Paradiso. There will be three days of healthy cycle-touring in large part within the park incontaminata Granpa. The park was the first to be established in Italy on December 3, 1922 by King Vittorio Emanuele III. Present
adventure are members of the esteemed MFTT: Ruttok, Avofabio and of course myself, the most popular guys right at the time of departure: Balvenie, Lancelot MBC, and Alpika Salukko.
Day 1 (Ceresole Reale - Bien)
It starts from the village of Pont Canavese, defined by some of us as the worst country ever seen, where we leave the cars for recovery. In fact, the journey begins, at least chassis, just above the village of Ceresole Reale, and then will be needed to retrieve the other car left at high altitude.
The air is brisk, there is some clouds on the horizon, but all in all the weather seems to have turned in our favor. Not bad if you think that only the day before we were caught in a storm slap machine. We leave beautiful clothes and allow ourselves to be guided by the "local" on the trail Balvenie Reale, a driveway that allowed the king to access his personal hunting ground, which consisted in the current park. Soon the slopes and incredible views of the valley supported us warm the body and soul. We are all charged and ready for the many challenges that lie ahead. The climb is progressing smoothly and thanks to the smooth straight Balvenie we have also avoided many miles of asphalt hated.
The view enjoyed from the hill Nivolet artificial lakes and Agnel Serrù is breathtaking and thanks to the rains of the previous days the sharpness of the landscape is incredible.
The first goal the day will be the refuge at the Col Nivolet Savoy. Shortly before the first snow of the esplanade are certainly not let us escape, raid risking every meter the rollover.
hungry come all to the shelter on time for lunch. The initial idea is to take some sandwiches and quickly resume the journey, but as always things are not going in this direction.
let us get carried away and order groceries without restraint as there was no tomorrow .... and so on polenta with venison, sausage, mushrooms ... tanning or not! The wine of course could not miss ... all portions monstrous to say the least!
That's it, I'm full as an egg and I am still waiting for the ultimate brow at 2800 meters, the hill of mind before arriving at the first stop in Bien ... I'm about to burst! Damn deer, there is not a fur die of congestion!
As we climb along a beautiful trail along the valley hillside Meyes, to our right the mountains of the Gran Paradiso Group accompanies us to the majestic hill. I have no words to describe the beauty of the landscape, where the imposing mountains sloping down to an unspoilt valley created by the flow of a stream annodatissimo.
Ginta finally to the hill of Mind si para davanti a noi la valle Valsavaranche e il lago Djouan accerchiato da un bel gruppo di mucche al pascolo. Sin dai primi metri si capisce che la discesa non sarà una passeggiata. Infatti numerosi tornanti strettissimi ci aspettano, se poi ci aggiungiamo che è tutta una pietraia mortale siamo perfetti. Purtroppo qualche tornante non è precisamente fattibile, a meno di non avere la mtb di Automan, comunque il sentiero rimane godibile e incredibilmente ostico.
Siamo comunque sopravvissuti tutti anche se Salukkio decide di dare inizio al suo personale record del mondo di forature.
Giungiamo così al casotto di Orvielle dopo una bella discesa molto pietrosa che ci frullerà un pò le braccia. Prendiamo quindi un variante suggerita da Salukkio che ci ha assicurato ci piacerà non poco. Devo dire che la promessa è stata mantenuta in pieno, il sentiero che si annoda in un stupenda pineta è strepitoso. Il singletrack è molto scorrevole, le ruote corrono veloci in lunghi rettilinei, le curve sembrano disegnate per le mtb. Una vera goduria, siamo esaltati e andiamo "full Throttle". Peccato solo per i numerosi pedoni che ci costringono a rallentare perdendo un pò di ritmo. Siamo così giunti, come sempre troppo velocemente, alla frazione di Eau Rousse. Per oggi il divertimento è concluso; ci dirigiamo verso Bien per dormire e recuperare un pò le forze spese. Doverosa la sosta nell'unico pub della zona per recuperare sali minerali persi nel corso della faticosa giornata.
2° giorno (Bien - Rifugio Vittorio Sella)
Dopo una colazione super abbondante, si parte per la tappa più corta, ma decisamente critica come dislivelli da affrontare. Raggiungeremo il punto più alto di tutto il tour, a quota 3.300, in prossimità del col Lauson. Il sentiero parte subito bello incaxxato rimanendo comunque ciclabile. La salita procede con una serie interminabile di tornanti, tutta su singletrack, un susseguirsi di strappi e pezzi in piano perfetti per recuperare fiato. Una delle salite più belle che abbia mai fatto. Giungiamo al casotto di Lavonaz, un posto incantevole dove facciamo l'inaspettato incontro di una fox. By now you have left almost tame easily approached without fear. A meeting so close I had never happen, the emotion was strong.
Now the games are serious and begins to pull up much. We are in a glacial valley where the rocks reign supreme. The path is not always cycle makes us gain altitude quickly. Meanwhile, we begin to see our destination, the Hill Lauson. The final climb of the hill is terrifying to see, almost overhanging a wall.
Everyone is asking where it can pass the path will be hard, but not defeated. Meanwhile, while I drag the bike on your back I can also see in the distance a chamois searches suspicious to me. The environment is extremely wild, are galvanized and began to walk up the ramps very hard concentrating solely on the final goal.
finally arrived to the hill, the view from here is moving. The effort leaves me as if by magic, leaving room for a serenity and contentment than ever. Meanwhile
that we enjoy the view of the Sella refuge expect to shrink the group.
The descent seems to be very exposed in the first half and then sliding into a gutted now that makes me mouth water. Let's start, the first section to be tackled on foot because of the steep and narrow path. As the path widens as we set off there was no tomorrow. The trail is a real show, not even a stone, sliding in a few words fun!
Within minutes we are at the base of the valley that will take us to the shelter. We are all excited, like happy children. Mamma mia what fun!
try to rest as much as possible to the shelter, partly because the next stop will be the longest and most tiring. Sleeping in a room overflowing with people with bloating is not easy.
Day 3 (Rifugio Vittorio Sella - Pont Canavese)
I have to say that he had slept little, perhaps in the throes of a daze from methane sleep real . The alarm clock is at 6.30, not ideal for resting, but perfect for enjoying sunrise and take some pictures of the beauty of the place.
Now we are facing a tricky downhill mortally. Leaving behind the "flow" of the previous down, you go to a land strewn with rocks and water ditches. The path becomes more more challenging and technical. The word "Trialist" fits like a glove. Click here for all the love in me the paths to be addressed slowly, thinking about each step, choosing the right path not to fly straight into the rocks.
Once in Cogne are already cooked, even though we did practically all downhill. The commitment was total and miles already have some paths improved our strength.
After a short break in the country for a second breakfast, we leave. Now the climb is steady and gradual. Do not delude ourselves, however, slopes, length of third and fiaccherà last stop for good. We begin to gain altitude and then first on asphalt on a dirt road. The valley that runs through and virtually uninhabited. Too bad only for the presence of high voltage pylons slightly ruining the feeling of isolation and quiet of the place. We arrive at the shelter Dream Bertz, practically throw the bike on the ground and head immediately to the restaurant to order. We begin to be tired and we are very pleased to be able to put your feet under a table. A nice plate of cold cuts and cheeses, watered by a very good beer in the Val d'Aosta we call into effect. The efforts are certainly not finished and the arrival is still far.
The path starts to climb immediately forcing to walk long distances.
Our next half box Champorcher to 2500 meters. The descent is not relaxing, numerous Pietroni stirred along the way are insidious. The final part is a little smoother until you reach a comfortable carriage. Hold on and quickly reach the last refuge of the tour, the Dondena. Now we really are the fruit, we allow ourselves the inevitable moretti and we on our way again. We must return to an altitude of 2500, another 300 meters of ascent, the last of the day provided that will take us to the hill Larissa. Our hopes are completely destroyed when we realize that our efforts have not yet come to the conclusion ... In fact, after the ascent of the hill we're not. We still have to go down and then up. Morale begins to break down a bit due to the tiredness of the day. Not give up and soon conclude the final ascent. Meanwhile, the weather begins to deteriorate and the clouds surround us. When you reach the hill clothe ourselves and begin to descend through the mist.
The path is bad ... rocks, tight turns! Fatigue forces us to several stops to rest in his arms. The environment is wild, it seems to be beyond any kind of civilization. The views are certainly not incredible, but the rugged nature of the place draws me irresistibly. The track is not always feasible in a bike and then decide to follow an alternative route through the meadows along a ridge-style freeriding. Once in a pasture consisting of a herd of cows in a sense brings us back to civilization. The descent is sadly marred by the passage of animals, forcing numerous sections on foot. We have become zombies, but fortunately our labors are now over. Route is a dirt road that will take us to the beautiful village of Pianprato. As a final test will miss the twenty kilometers of paved road that separates us from Canavese. Luckily they are almost completely down, otherwise the chances of survival of the group would be decreased drastically. Also this
avventura è terminata, impagabili sono state le emozioni che ho provato in questi tre giorni intensi. Importantissima anche la compagnia che, al pari della bellezza dei posti, ha reso il tutto semplicemente perfetto.
Fulllllll throttleeeeeeeee!!!!!!