l'espressione mezzo euro, gli stuzzicadenti , la gente che dice bella mia, i giovanotti e le giovincelle , le unghie con le applicazioni colorate tipo cozza sullo scoglio, le donne volgari, il PDL , le ministre troie da calendario, le brutte figure, le ostriche e le alici, le ali di pollo fritte, potrei anche vomitare, quelli che si definiscono fidanzati, i pomicioni sulle panchine, le bambine vestite di rosa, le bambine con minuscoli bambolotti in braccio, le bambine che spingono minuscoli passeggini per i loro minuscoli bambolotti, quelli che dicono: ma perché drink the bitter coffee? is already so bitter life, the banality, the high school students who copied versions of Latin and greek on the internet, the loneliness of prime numbers, and Moccia Vanzina , Maurizio Costanzo and that ceases to his wife, pop music Italian, the Italian boy band, the boy band, the various Marco, Giulio Tizio and Caio out by the various talent reality show or Italians, the Roman used as a first language and official language, the league, the Northern League, the hair cat, ingrown hairs, hair in general, bad taste, streaks, fat women with short skirts and tight shirts, boots summer, the hypocrisy, the 'incompetence , loss of appetite and women always on a diet, the snails, the ones who can not tell you that he likes you, the cowards, the abstainers, those that: no raw meat, raw fish even those who eat on the subway, those who do not leave the tram in place for the elderly, the elderly who did not retire, sweat, small, spherical objects, gold yellow, radical chic, and those who say they do not know what that means, those who read Vespa , voters Berlusconi, Berlusconi and its newspapers, Berlusconi and his dogs, populism, envy, D 'Alema , friendships involved, people who complain, the catastrophic , the Roses without thorns, fussiness, prudence, the meanness, wisdom, priests, nuns, the dog poop on the sidewalk, the big dogs off leash, the province, rain and humidity, the North Europe in August, the English, the poverty of English language, the fact that I can not learn English, the people who say easy, cheap and absolutely you, morbidity, low profiles, children to the theater, the festival of San Remo, Carla Bruni and the people asphyxiating, the sticky, the ones who say they left their house and then have a carer of Romania, the Ukrainian cleaning lady, her lover and goes to Polish Nigerian prostitutes, those who dicono ci rubano il lavoro, quelli che i rom sono tutti ladri, il papa e la chiesa cattolica, gli omofobi , quelli che i gay vanno curati, le scarpe a punta, le ascelle non depilate, le schiene con i brufoli, il rossetto non rosso, le labbra rifatte, la gente che mi definisce alternativa e io che rispondo: alternativa a cosa, gli uomini che non si arrendono alla calvizie, gli uomini con le camicie a maniche corte, la montatura d'occhiali enorme e quadrata da mongoloide, il tifoso accanito, i cibi light , la birra analcolica, quelli che nella vita non ci provano, i logorroici, il narcisismo esasperato, i congiuntivi sbagliati, quelli mi mandano in bestia, i denti mancanti, il mal di denti, le brutte metafore in fiction, women who cry in front to humiliate the men who, in Mandarin films that won the Locarno Film Festival, Sofia Coppola and people overvalued, saying the people want anything too tight, proverbs in general, charred flesh that is my mother .. .
Continued ...
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