Italy in the role of "Ithaca."
Berlusconi and his government in the role of "The Suitors."
Bersani and PD in the role of "Telemachus."
Penelope in the role of "Finish".
Nichi Vendola the role of "Ulysses."
Rosi Bindi the role of "Athena"
Book One:
Athena goes to Telemachus, saying
- AOSTA, Bambalotto, get woken up na, if they are all here to Magna.
Telemachus then takes courage and decides to confront the suitors in parliament usurpers.
Book Two: My
I lost my father! I say my? Popol
of Ithaca, our: all father
much more than a king, proved Ulysses.
And that evil, alas, the other s'arroge,
me that every substance gets lost, and all his bottom
Spiantasi me this house. Boring
siege reluctant mother
Poser de 'Achivi first of the children.
The whole day in my palace instead
Banchettan handsomely, and the flower of the flock
fret and the herd, and filled
the best vintage voting polls,
Vivona me: neither hath a second Ulysses
to evacuate from among us examine this plague.
for so I am not, nor equal
To work in me is experience and strength. Oh avess'io
so, how I long for the! Then
that crosses any sign of their sins.
And, most m'ange, but with shame I. Ah, but kindled in you
noble defiance;
fear the blame of people around;
immortals gods, perhaps not fall
Of the sins of 'suitors in you the trouble, fear
Wrath. For the Olympian Jupiter,
thematically, that boards amassing and melts,
These, friends, pitted against
of Stay, and let me
condolences to the prey in the sun, that the father gives me.
What arrogant rival to deeds unjust
Trascorran blind mind, I am silent.
Svelgono Tis true, since its roots,
The house of the Grande, which terminated
hope to return, but risk at least
Porgon life. Ben am angry with you,
With you, dumb and lazy and cowardly
you were there or at one bike your
aitate illustrious Lord. Alas!
the many by the few remain overwhelmed and defeated. "
At the conclusion of the speech of Telemachus, the suitors lazy cowards approfittatori, si fanno una gran risata e continuano a mangiare a sfondo e a bere a gargarozzo. Il leader della coalizione si intrattiene con quattro ancelle minorenni.
Telemaco disperato, prende la via del mare con la speranza di aver notizie di suo padre, Ulisse.
Penelope, va a coricarsi sul freddo talamo mentre intanto indugia sul da farsi.
Disfa la tela per ritesserla il giorno dopo.
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