Friday, October 22, 2010

Interesting Group Game Activities

generational conflict

If you are unemployed, you do not notice, in practice, the existence of generational conflict .
When you are a student, a sfancazzista , a kept woman (whose main source of income is-too-old with whom you broom), an idler / time / space, etc., etc., do not you do not realize the generational conflict, in other words, what are the old bastards.
What then says that old saying is ugly, out of place.
Va bene. Chiamiamoli anziani, prepensionati , uomini e donne con molta esperienza, esseri umani di mezza età, insomma chiamiamoli come minchia vi pare ( io li chiamo vecchi), rimane il fatto che tra un giovane e uno così ci passano almeno 35 anni di differenza e 35 anni sono un mondo con tutte le sue ere geologiche, un mondo che per altro ha fatto il suo tempo, è bello che andato, della serie molla, io uso il computer e tu le pergamene, come la mettiamo? per esempio..
Ora, il fatto che si sia vissuto di più nel senso di più a lungo non è di per sinonimo di migliore, di qualitativamente migliore, intendo.
Pensate a Priebke .
Who would ever think of saying, ah, you know, he, he is wise, has 190 years, he has understood what is the meaning of life, go to my son, goes to him, you have much to learn .. .

Now, the generational conflict , (think of Freud's Totem and Taboo- leaving for a second the Oedipus complex, please) is the most bloody potentially there could be at the level of human drives ; think. Respect for the old, the feelings of kindness, sense of nurturing and protection, admiration for a life lived almost entirely ... we say, come on, who knows what he has seen, who knows what I can learn from a galloping for 90 years .. What are these attitudes
? nothing more than palliatives in the form of social norms dictated by unconscious community to prevent a young pair an old man bludgeoned.
Now you may ask: why a young person would never bludgeon an old man? bludgeoned in a broad sense and not?
Why? because the old are conceited, stubborn, granite. Why old, even when they say shit, they are not even taken down with bombs, cemented by their positions. Why
old are always right them, according to them, because according to them you do not understand a shit, not because have heard the sense of your reasoning, but simply because you're young.

priori wrong because you're young.
priori not count Fucking because you're young. And things do not know.

- Sorry old man, we should close the throttle
- Ah, too 'I like you I was your age, so full of energy is not channeled
- We could, please, open a window?
- You're young, you still have time
to learn - I agree, but at least turn on the light
- Eh eh eh eh, as you can see that you lack the experience!

Then jump in the air and fuck.

In short, the sense is that, the old story of the experience that goes round and round the chase you forever. The experience here, the experience beyond the concept, would add quite stifling, reaching levels of killer instinct, if there is projected in a working environment.

- The boy cries
- you'll see that will bear fruit
- You're whipping
- Corporal punishment fortify the spirit
- How can you solve a problem algebraic while the whip?
- Ah, you're young, as you can see that you are missing experience.
- not breathing, is dead ..
- Anch 'your age I jumping to wrong conclusions .. you miss the experience ..

Now before you dismiss this claim with this outburst universal and philosophical, I might add, for all new employees, newcomers, those who are new to the environment, those who have just arrived and well, we understood each other, I would repeat for all those who are repeat until the bulging experience this shit, I tell them that the economy of a job well done, experience counts for 2%, that if you put a new graduate engineer to make a bridge, you can be sure that the bridge makes you say, if we metti un geometra che lavora da 45 anni, è probabile che il ponte te lo faccia lo stesso, ma io eviterei di passarci sopra e anche sotto.
Quello che voglio dire è che l'esperienza sono bravi tutti a farsela, basta che il tempo passi e che ci si ritrovi a fare lo stesso mestiere per 50 anni.
Quello che conta è ovviamente la preparazione , ossia la formazione. La formazione continua, perché il mondo è plastico e si muove e le teorie cambiano e i metodi pure e nuovi argomenti vengono fuori perché oltre a essere plastico il mondo è anche un affare complesso, di una complessità tale che non basta essere allenati a fare grazie al fact that the ' abitudinarietà you glued to a role on which you do not update since 1956.

So, dear, I certainly do not approve you with clubs to break the jaw of the old man the next time you drive out the history of experience, but to send him to fuck you. At least that


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