Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Need A Proxy For Myspace

DAY 12

7 hours. Horde night, the 40 winds of Cape Horn arrived in Sardinia. Wind of water, buckets, all night. Without light, drafts of icy air. This is Cala d'Oliva, the prison of despair.

7.30 am. Pietro Marongiu praising Manitou, the edge of a cliff in Cala Sabina. It will be heard by the gods of the heavenly meadow?

8 hours. A group of angry wild boars approaches from us. They say "a boring istranzos sos", maybe the aliens are us.

Hours 9. We discuss the service that we should devote Rai3 at 11.30. It is an important occasion. Meanwhile, we read our book of the island on Facebook of cassintegrati. We hit the comment of a man of Bolzano, who writes: Where are the unions? Immediately answered by a Sassari, with the student spirit that distinguishes them: "In that Casinu zi ponghiani them!".

Hours 10. Perhaps we should be more moderate with the national unions. Having completed our dictionary impropreri against them, we decided that for a few days does not mention them anymore.

10.45. Time always tremendous. Where do you get our weather meteorologist Peppino know it is not given. Today he provided a calm, even insulted him.

11.30. Wonderful service Rai3 on us, connecting with the Aragonese tower, la nostra Houston, la centrale di controllo, il nostro avamposto dal quale partono tutte le iniziative. Purtroppo non riescono a collegarsi in diretta con noi all’Asinara. Peccato. I nostri colleghi e amici sono stati formidabili nelle loro dichiarazioni, bravi Marco Nurra, Michele Azzu e Stefano Masperi, quest’ultimo dalla torre aragonese.

Ore 12.15. Ci comunicano che testate nazionali hanno fatto ampi servizi su di noi: Corriere della Sera, Messaggero, Espresso, Il Fatto quotidiano, Libero. La nostra lotta ha fatto breccia, finalmente. Solo su facebook i nostri sostenitori sono già 40mila.

Ore 13.30. Qualcuno dovrà tenere conto delle reazioni della grande attenzione sulla nostra vicenda. Ma segnali concreti yet we have not. The government latita, there is no news of Scajola. And the Arabs of Ramco, our prospective buyers? It whispers of a deal well underway.

14.30. We must send our foreign minister on a mission on the mainland, there is no middle. Un'appoggio ask the Park, through the indefatigable Joseph Grieco and Pierpaolo Congiatu. The mission is secret, will last three days, surely the minister will take advantage of seeing for the Champions League, we would have also understood that the shepherds barbaricini already well they know the character.

Hours 16. Someone has to leave the island, but tomorrow there will be new arrivals, however, are to strengthen the party. The desire to keep it intact, even stronger than before.

16.30. On Andria, our goat production, we lost almost all hope. Where you will be kicked out? We hope to be hidden away with his girlfriend.

Hours 17. The Minister, along with three other colleagues to leave the island by Fornelli in Stintino, is transported to the mythical Antonello Sanna, who once again defied the stormy sea for us, embracing our cause in full. He does it with enthusiasm. It 's a great seaman, a large catfish of those once.

A greeting to the readers ...


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