Monday, March 8, 2010

Heart Attack And Hypotension

11° Giorno

Diary of the island crate Integrated

March 8, 2010 7:00 pm: The Grecale is disruptive. The sea and sky blend threatening. A separate strips of foam just huge, ranging in regular succession to crash into the cliffs of Cala d'Oliva.

7:30 pm: It was not an easy night, it was really cold. The wind penetrated everywhere, even in the narrow corridors and prison cells where we are holed up. We have breakfast, gaunt, a wing of the cowboys of the far west. We have learned, according to the direction of the wind, to gather in places where we are safe. E 'already an automatic gesture.

08.30: The cell where he lives our Foreign Minister, was also occupied by Pepper, head of the PVC plant, and new meteorologist (not one guesses), we see that the cell is contagious. She also asks him about the sandwiches stuffed with a little butter in Norway. Publicly derided.

09.30 am: We announce that we are in the front page of the Republic. It 's a small victory. It 'an important signal that the national newspapers are interested in us.

10.30: We are waiting for new arrivals, we fear that this time the boat can not dock at Cala Reale. But Captain Carannante, special envoy of owner Franco Del Giudice with his Sardinian piarti of SARA D. Storms are stronger. After 2 attempts the landing is made.

11.00: old acquaintances and new arrivals, such as Marco Antonio Pinna and Olia, who despite his back problems is here among us. They are disoriented. In a few days but will be perfect masters of the island and the narrow cells.

12.00: 25,000! It is growing exponentially! The people of the island crate facebook integrated expands strongly ugly proletarian. Never stop to thank its founders, Mark and Michael Nurre Azzu, graduates and experts in communication. Why not trust this country to young people?

12.30 pm They call us all a little bit, newspapers, TV friends (old and last time!). The idea Asinara we had, "stubborn and non-violent" is bearing fruit. No call from the national union. Will be offended by the words spoken against them, which were of the stimulus. It 'a shame that have not even tried to contact us. What is the National Union of chemicals that do not compare with the base. Because the bureaucrats will not be replaced by real union? Why let alone even the provincial unions? Expect from a wave of national life, if it lets you know.

13.30: It's still light, but returned shortly after suddenly. Asinara this looks magic. We called the staff of the Park, which these days have never ceased to give us their support. Take this opportunity to thank all those who continually send us food. There a united country, not just selfish.

14.30: Where will it be finished Andria, our foster-goat, of which we yesterday reported missing? We are worried. Other animals also seem to have vanished. Every now and in the distance we see some wild boar and white donkey, mimettizzati in the Mediterranean, and among plants of Euphorbia. Their survival is pure instinct.

15.00: The island is beautiful, it's all green. There are also pools of rainwater, mirrors on which you could walk. There are also some rough paths in which venture and Paul Tore Gavinuccio Salaris. Come back: the wind is too strong.

16.00: Meeting. Indeed, exchange of ideas. Do not think we are the only ones suffering. There are temporary unemployed, young people who have no voice. We do not presume to be their representatives, but at this time is to them that we want to send a message. Do not resign, not commiseratevi, never lose the will to fight, even if it's a losing battle. Do not criticize all because it's like criticizing anyone, do not give in to indifference. Each of you is more important than they might want you to believe.

17.00: Visit of Arturo Adriano Desulo and Lula. The last leader of the forest is under barbaricini island. E 'of few words, asking us if we needed anything. You look straight ahead with his occhi azzurri racchiusi da 2 piccole fessure. Si vede che è temprato dalla vita e che capisce la natura degli uomini.

Ore 18.00 : Graditissima anche la visita di Enrico Mereu, lo scultore dell'isola. Si discute ancora. Non so per quale oscuro motivo si va a finire su quali siano le 7 meraviglie del mondo. Gianmario non se le ricordava tutte e gliene chiede conto. Mereu risponde:"Le meraviglie del mondo sono 2, la mia famiglia e adesso Voi." Un altro giorno è passato.
Un saluto ai lettori...e un bacio a tutte le donne del mondo.


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