Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fuel Efficient Muscle Cars Chevelle

05.02.2011 Finally the snow back in the Apennines (05/03/11 - 06/03/11) 8:03:11

Piane Canadians - Saturday 05/03/11

We certainly can not complain, at the beginning of March, the winter has remade the revised final report our beloved snow. As bad luck sees us well though, I do I do? I'm going to get sick ... noooooooo! So away with the bombs, drugs and blood bags, I follow in the footsteps of my illustrious countryman rich! I really have to recover for the weekend, I can not stay at home, the snow waiting for me!

forces to recover a little of what could be better mitika Piane Canadians? some of my physical condition is poor to say the least, but the desire is definitely too much. I can not stop! To me from the ever-present nurses are the Top Dave's friend Fabio and great faith.

It starts as usual by Barigazzo and since the first fields we see that the snow is plentiful ... mmm what a sight! The temperature is pleasant, maybe this will keep me a little in life, we hope ... N are in fact a little rag, but the mere fact of being in the nature of suffering pay me back. The climb proceeds peacefully, surrounded by beautiful woods to reach the summit of the great "Canada". A freshly cut wood that slopes gently down to the arrival of the track of the Wolf. The Fede, alle prime esperienze sciistiche, si comporta in maniera impeccabile, niente la può arrestare.

Riusciamo anche a scroccare un passaggio a gratis sullo Skilift, ogni mezzo è lecito per risparmiare le gambe e lo scarso fiato. Arrivati sul cantiere si scende nel larga pineta fino alla Baita del Lupo. Qui la tragica notiziaaaaa... è chiusaaaa! Noooooooo! Ripensandoci il fatto di trovarla chiusa è stata la mia fortuna. Viste le mie condizioni non ottimali ed essendo sotto antibiotici le mille tentazioni alcoliche alla Baita mi sarebbero state sicuramente fatali. Dopo aver mangiato qualcosa, che per fortuna avevamo preso in un forno a Pavullo, the group splits: Faith and I head towards home, while Dave and Fabio decided to do until the last afternoon and enjoy the beautiful snow. The descent from the Wolf Trail was spectacular, the excellent snow, never too heavy. Faith has also been approached from two vintage men skiers Bolognesi, very "drunk", who gave him useful tips about skiing. Arriving at the car, there is all tired, but happiness compensates for the hard work! What better way to recover and return to work after an illness ... Pianeeeee soon!!

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Le Piane never disappoint!
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Monte Rondinaio - Domenica 06/03/11

Dopo una giornata meravigliosa alle Piane la voglia di scialpinismo non può che aumentare. Decido però di non organizzare niente in anticipo, ma aspettare al mattino. Le mie condizioni fisiche sono pessime alla sera di sabato e sarei veramente un Kamikaze a lanciarmi alla cieca in un'altra alpinistica. Mi sveglio, controllo di essere ancora vivo, tutto sembra a posto anche se la sensazione è quella di essere stato pressato da un bilico. Con calma so I start to call some fellow adventure: the now inevitable Faith, gradissimo Magna and also revived last joins the shoulder and his trusty dog, Rocky.

I also try to contact Dave on Top, but does not respond, clearly has had a difficult night and sleep all day. Then find out later that he shot his first solo ski mountaineering on Mount Naked. Congratulations Dave, you've even enjoyed a sunset from fear at the top ... you really are the TOP.
back to us, we move slowly towards the Holy Lake, stopping along the road one thousand thousand times. Today we do not hurry, there we want to enjoy all day sun. At the car park we see that there are a slaughterhouse machinery, we see that they all decided to come to the Holy Lake. After a quick consultation we decided to go on Rondinaio. The day could not be better, there's a cloud in the sky and the temperature is spring. Starting late and saw the warm scare us a little snow conditions ... we hope it does not become too wet and heavy. Arriving at Lake Baccio the view is amazing, the snow this week have given a look at the profile of Alpine Giovo.

We are excited and a thousand loads.
During the climb, however, we recognize the fact that there Rondinaio praticamente il mondo... mai vista così tanta gente, soprattutto ciaspolari, sul nostro appennino.

In vetta incontriamo anche il gruppone del Gianlu71, Mazzi e company. Una volta spellato partiamo per la discesa; nonostante il pendio sia bombardato dal passaggio dei ciaspolari riusciamo comunque ha trovare una linea pulita.

Il divertimento è stato tale da indurci, dopo esserci rifocillati, a ripellare e rifarci la discesa una seconda volta. Ormai ci siamo solo noi in giro, ci godiamo questa giornata ormai giunta agli sgoccioli, la neve è strepitosa e il pensiero della birra che ci aspetta ci carica.
Ci rimane solo to do a quick test transceivers, but how good we are, and so the Refuge Victoria.

and this time I survived ... luckily it went back to work otherwise it ends up that I kill you! Ciaoooooo

Here my photo


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