Di questi tempi avere una figlia minorenne è davvero una gran fortuna.
A questo punto ci starebbe benissimo un lodo jus primae noctis, una specie di carta che le famiglie indigenti di operai, insegnanti, precari in vari settori e cassaintegrati, could play as an alternative to unemployment benefits or pension or contract of decent work.
I give the king a bona average minor, he gives me 80 thousand euro. More
the minor is bona, more family smiles ..
Imagine what a change in terms of increased birth rates and that sort of revolution of values \u200b\u200band lifestyle! All
begin to reproduce at age 14 in order to have ready baked provocative minors at the time of entry into the world of work. Would fall into disuse said congratulations and sons, no one would worry more loans, the rate for the cabinet to sixteen doors, holidays in mutilated and pieces, not all, of course, say those in a position minor children to produce bone in line with the discussion of meritocracy, the Minister for Public Administration.
could be established rankings that take into account the eligibility criteria such as the level or degree of bonaggine, income and number of household members, age and a certain innate propensity puttanizia.
All clean, all institutionalized, bureaucratized everything.
You fill out and submit the appropriate form 69 download from the Ministry of bunga bunga whose minister, Pamela Anderson, personally check the validity of the applications received. A
same score and chronological age of the competitions would be established: three tests, two oral and anal.
Cracks could write reference manuals for the preparation of aspiring competitions theory and practice fellatio; Methodology Applied crevices vol.1, 2 and 3, Zen and the art of maintaining the pussy, Metaphysics: that the boundary down vol.1 and 2, the Met: the one from the waist up vol.1 and 2.
would be established later special schools, secondary schools for young ladies interested in learning more amatory techniques of the ancient Romans and Greeks and vocational institutions that initiate, immediately after graduation, to work on the freeway.
Teachers would be recruited directly on the sets of porn movies, selection would be ruthless, even in this case the same score to count the years of experience in the field, at least 10 and be accompanied by boobs and penis in a single solution.
could then run some nice format for the RAI state television, the compelling reality, in which the contestants vie for the Latvian Putin, I can think of some titles: The big brother of the Prime Minister; Retreat buxom ; The Farm of Palazzo Grazioli etc etc, but certainly our authors television people enlightened, creative and brilliant, they would know for sure you want to improve ...
What fantasy world.
Considering that the INPS pension does not allow the simulation of the quasi-employees like me to avoid social upheaval, it might be the case that I began to worry seriously about my future.
then I'm going to procreate, and that both female and whore!!