Alpe Succiso (26/02/11)
Like every weekend, confusion reigns in my head ... what to do? where to go? Who am I? because I'm still sober? Friday is now winding down and I have not the faintest idea where to go Saturday. The options are many and all are attractive to a kid like me Romagna Gianlu71 go? with the Garda MFTT, Seiser Succiso Avofabio in touring with? ahhhhhhhhhh that difficult decision! Eventually the call of the snow is too strong and as my mentor says Gigi "Every season has its fruits." The wisdom of the venerable Gigi can not argue! Determined! ... one thousand thousand messages, pakka at all and so you go skiing.
Greatest sunny day with pleasant temperatures and not too cold. The only unknown is the wind that the plumes of snow on the peaks, there seems to be at high altitude. I find myself with a bunch of Parma Succiso New to the country, we are in 8, ready to conquer the Alpe di Succiso. In the company of old and new knowledge, the path climbs up a very pleasant, first in a beautiful forest is very open and then move in a beautiful valley.
At the Rio Refuge Grazing the forest suddenly stops, the view was gorgeous and the grandeur of the valley in which we live is breathtaking. The climb becomes more difficult and the wind begins to blow with greater intensity.
Once on the ridge near the fork in the wind is almost unbearable, forcing us to strip and give up a rocket to the top.
The view, however repay us for all the hardships, there are the Apuan, it seems that you can almost touch it!
Unfortunately, we also give up the hill on the west wall that, according to many, is one of the most beautiful slopes of the Apennines. Patience ... descend from the same page made up. Snow is at times breath, but overall remains godevole.
Ripelliamo above the hut for a short climb to find a bit of powder survived the evil wind. Avo really wants to "clean up" a hill pulling a mini valanghina, and I finally found a bit of powderrrrr!
After a short break to resume skiing camp in the woods. Engaged in trying to avoid the trees and some jump reach our cars and head to a shelter nearby. We left quietly and with sliced \u200b\u200bbread, to reach a crescendo of mushrooms and fried polenta.
Even today a great day in good company ...
I can not wait to return to Alpe when conditions permit to do the west wall. A prestissimoooooo
Here other pictures
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Lighterlife Cost 2010
New award
Good day to all then the gentle Riviera who made the dress to my blog, I redid the Vanner fast and thank you if you want to take them out again, let us Giulia decided thanks dear for passing this award and continues with all of your fantastic creations
then most difficult part pass the award are all fantastic as I can choose the way to
- Danny visit blogs are beautiful
Friday, February 25, 2011
Mount Blade Wedding Dance Tips
A deer cross stitch
You just can say at this time to cross stitch goes rillento I dedicate myself more to wool because my little sun and catch a couple of points but I was able to complete this deer
You just can say at this time to cross stitch goes rillento I dedicate myself more to wool because my little sun and catch a couple of points but I was able to complete this deer
embroidery was much larger Peroli finished especially so because I did not like the colors but at least it is over now (you can tell) have a nice day
Monday, February 21, 2011
Commode Flushs Itself
Browsing the internet I imbatutta in creating a very special wool of the "baktus" but you say what are they? good question go on the internet and write images in a world of baktus will all become a knitted wool scarf mini starts with 4 shirts, a sweater increase every 4 rows to desired length after starting to drop every 4 rows until you get a shirt 4 to get here is the result
so you can bring
addiritura or so classic so I added the fringes as have other girls are really beautiful
course, it takes 2 or 3 days to prepare and the result is a wonderful I'm already preparing another multicolor
the next Sunday, February 20, 2011
Ear Protection Clip Art
February Black
ready is also the month of February for the color of sal Julia and to thank you for this fantastic sal I decided to embroider a free game created by her
ready is also the month of February for the color of sal Julia and to thank you for this fantastic sal I decided to embroider a free game created by her
soon as you finish the show still takes some tweaking
Saturday, February 19, 2011
How Accurate Is Hiv Testing After 30 Days?
with incredible speed that I do not usually distinguish here's a bit 'of photos!
all other photos are here:
is also my photo ... giornatona that spectacular, sunny, warm, excellent snow and perfect company ... Add to this, I celebrated il mio compleanno sulla vetta con una Moretti... praticamente una giornata perfetta!!!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Sew Baby Alive Diapers Or Nappies
warmer red
ready is another scarf che mi ha chiesto mia suocera lo iniziato domenica e ieri lo ho finito sono state avviate 50 maglie e lavorato a grana di riso
ready is another scarf che mi ha chiesto mia suocera lo iniziato domenica e ieri lo ho finito sono state avviate 50 maglie e lavorato a grana di riso
eccolo con l'aggiunta di 2 bottoni
e cosi il risvolto
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Pitch An Idea Confidentiality
Climbing Mount Fravort 19.02.2011 at Muzzerone - Liguria (06/02/11)
Grazie all'invito dell'intrepido Avofabio decido ci cimentarmi nella mia prima uscita su roccia. Niente di meglio della Liguria per questo battesimo del fuoco.
Visto che il giorno prima ero a Levanto, la mossa di tornare praticamente nella stessa zona e spararsi altri 400 km ha un qualcosa di genialeeeeee! Il buon Avo I propose Muzzerone of the cliff and I accept without hesitation, sight unseen, so I do not know a stick of rock climbing. The day is hot, thanks to the beneficial effect of the sea, although a nice cool breeze reminds us to be still in the middle of winter.
Spectacular scenery and the fact that you have the sea a few steps from us does nothing but enhance our happiness. A more than positive that galvanized me a lot ... the adventure of climbing is cominciataaaaaaa!!
Grazie all'invito dell'intrepido Avofabio decido ci cimentarmi nella mia prima uscita su roccia. Niente di meglio della Liguria per questo battesimo del fuoco.
Visto che il giorno prima ero a Levanto, la mossa di tornare praticamente nella stessa zona e spararsi altri 400 km ha un qualcosa di genialeeeeee! Il buon Avo I propose Muzzerone of the cliff and I accept without hesitation, sight unseen, so I do not know a stick of rock climbing. The day is hot, thanks to the beneficial effect of the sea, although a nice cool breeze reminds us to be still in the middle of winter.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Letter To Employee For Confidentiality Breach
A beautiful! as said the poet.
So, no, I just wanted to warn you that there is now Sanremo not there you certainly noticed, but in fact there, and as always every year, we must take all proper measures of prevention.
First, it is still premature to talk of a pandemic, abbandonarsi a stupidi allarmismi e ricorrere in massa ai soliti vaccini antidiarrea , anche perché, lo si sa, contro Sanremo non sono mai stati efficaci.
Vero è che il rischio di contagio è alto, così come spiegano gli esperti:
Esperto- Il virus colpisce dapprima il tubo neuronale, poi la meninge e infine, una volta attecchito, devasta, in pochi giorni il sistema nervoso centrale, arrecando danni irreversibili alle funzioni cerebrali superiori. Facoltà cognitive: caput . A rischio in special modo anziani, bambini e tutti i soggetti precedentemente debilitati da agenti patogeni parrassitari . Journalist-
us an example
Expert-A players who are risk, Eva and package any number, the viewers Maria De Filippi , of \u200b\u200bthat high horse that looks like a big brother who leads and every stupid afternoon program of Rai and Mediaset , fans of Moccia and Bruno Vespa, the uninformed by TG4, the Newspaper and Free.
Journalist-What are the symptoms?
Expert-The viral phenomenon manifests itself through a clear symptom clear: the dementias.
Journalist-for example there is a certain predisposition for some people? There are Expert-
studi specifici in merito, certo è però che il buon senso ci porta a dire che, come un fumatore ha molte più probabilità di sviluppare un cancro ai polmoni rispetto a un non fumatore, così tutti coloro che sono vittime dell' assuefazione alla monnezza massmediatica rischiano, più di ogni altro soggetto sano, di contrarre il virus Sanremo .
Giornalista- E cosa mi dice delle canzonette orecchiabili ?
Esperto- Beh, quando sopraggiungono quelle, vuol dire che il malato è già allo stadio terminale e che perciò, ahimè, non c'è più nulla da fare.
Giornalista- E' terribile
Esperto- Ma vero.
Giornalista- Quali, le misure cautelative per evitare il contagio, dunque?
Esperto- Stare alla larga dal televisore nelle sere in cui Sanremo verrà trasmesso, evitare assolutamente di sintonizzarsi su stazioni radio della minchia tipo radio DJ , RDS et similia , uscire il più possibile al fine di evitare anche il minimo riverbero canzonettistico che potrebbe arrivare dalla TV del vicino e infine, leggere.
Giornalista- Leggere? addirittura si deve arrivare a tanto?
Esperto- Mi rendo conto che come affermazione è po' forte, purtroppo non esistono a Tutt today 'remedies and effective treatment against infection Sanremo, you understand that in these cases the solution in advance, which apparently may seem the most absurd, subversive in its scope, should not be underestimated .
Besides specific studies conducted by the University of Cambridge have demonstrated scientifically , the effectiveness of reading in the care of the growing chronic cerebrovascular citizens.
A beautiful! as said the poet.
So, no, I just wanted to warn you that there is now Sanremo not there you certainly noticed, but in fact there, and as always every year, we must take all proper measures of prevention.
First, it is still premature to talk of a pandemic, abbandonarsi a stupidi allarmismi e ricorrere in massa ai soliti vaccini antidiarrea , anche perché, lo si sa, contro Sanremo non sono mai stati efficaci.
Vero è che il rischio di contagio è alto, così come spiegano gli esperti:
Esperto- Il virus colpisce dapprima il tubo neuronale, poi la meninge e infine, una volta attecchito, devasta, in pochi giorni il sistema nervoso centrale, arrecando danni irreversibili alle funzioni cerebrali superiori. Facoltà cognitive: caput . A rischio in special modo anziani, bambini e tutti i soggetti precedentemente debilitati da agenti patogeni parrassitari . Journalist-
us an example
Expert-A players who are risk, Eva and package any number, the viewers Maria De Filippi , of \u200b\u200bthat high horse that looks like a big brother who leads and every stupid afternoon program of Rai and Mediaset , fans of Moccia and Bruno Vespa, the uninformed by TG4, the Newspaper and Free.
Journalist-What are the symptoms?
Expert-The viral phenomenon manifests itself through a clear symptom clear: the dementias.
Journalist-for example there is a certain predisposition for some people? There are Expert-
studi specifici in merito, certo è però che il buon senso ci porta a dire che, come un fumatore ha molte più probabilità di sviluppare un cancro ai polmoni rispetto a un non fumatore, così tutti coloro che sono vittime dell' assuefazione alla monnezza massmediatica rischiano, più di ogni altro soggetto sano, di contrarre il virus Sanremo .
Giornalista- E cosa mi dice delle canzonette orecchiabili ?
Esperto- Beh, quando sopraggiungono quelle, vuol dire che il malato è già allo stadio terminale e che perciò, ahimè, non c'è più nulla da fare.
Giornalista- E' terribile
Esperto- Ma vero.
Giornalista- Quali, le misure cautelative per evitare il contagio, dunque?
Esperto- Stare alla larga dal televisore nelle sere in cui Sanremo verrà trasmesso, evitare assolutamente di sintonizzarsi su stazioni radio della minchia tipo radio DJ , RDS et similia , uscire il più possibile al fine di evitare anche il minimo riverbero canzonettistico che potrebbe arrivare dalla TV del vicino e infine, leggere.
Giornalista- Leggere? addirittura si deve arrivare a tanto?
Esperto- Mi rendo conto che come affermazione è po' forte, purtroppo non esistono a Tutt today 'remedies and effective treatment against infection Sanremo, you understand that in these cases the solution in advance, which apparently may seem the most absurd, subversive in its scope, should not be underestimated .
Besides specific studies conducted by the University of Cambridge have demonstrated scientifically , the effectiveness of reading in the care of the growing chronic cerebrovascular citizens.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
What Would Happen To A Person With Tay Sachs
decoupage tray
Salve a tutte spero il vostro san valentino sia andato bene quanto il mio e già proprio bello il mio ragazzo non poteva farmi un pensiero migliore una magnifica orchidea bellissima..allora oggi vi mostro un altro lavoro a decoupage un vassoio di carta riciclata decorato con un foglio di carta di riso
Salve a tutte spero il vostro san valentino sia andato bene quanto il mio e già proprio bello il mio ragazzo non poteva farmi un pensiero migliore una magnifica orchidea bellissima..allora oggi vi mostro un altro lavoro a decoupage un vassoio di carta riciclata decorato con un foglio di carta di riso
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Closet Rod For Slanted
Happy Valentine
Greetings to all lovers and today I have two years of official engagement
Greetings to all lovers and today I have two years of official engagement
Greetings to you all and spend a special day with your love!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Congratulations Phrases In Latin
warmer with braids
Here I finally learned to do her hair with the knife of course my mother-in-law helped me here is what I did
Here I finally learned to do her hair with the knife of course my mother-in-law helped me here is what I did
here it is worn does a hot
I wish you a good weekend to all!
Facial Hydration For Eczema
Levanto FR (05/02/11)
As promised MFTT back to invade the Liguria in search of hot and dry and snow-free land in our ubiquitous Apennines. More precisely, we landed in Levanto area with a delegation from Modena respectable: it's me, Kevin, Sergione, the legendary and venerable Gigi and Stroke, the other two Vandellone with their friends.
overlook the fact that we caught the snow does not decide to follow the short track pusher kindly provided by our trusted PaoloC and sabadoni.
The tour takes place to a large extent on the tarmac, obviously only in height, with three technical and above all extremely beautiful discesine sassoseeeeee. The presence of steps of rock, gravel, murderer, Saxons, etc. is a constant in almost all the way around. Our poor bike has been put to the test, an infallible test for fork, ammo and poor bikers out formaaaaa.
the second run, a series of strokes led, artificial jumps and technical parts ... a real lust, sin only for the snow that sometimes broke the pace and terrain. Challenging the final stretch of coastline overlooking the Levanto, an endless series of tight bends and stinking and rocks in buckets all over the path we have literally "pot roast" arms and legs.
to shoot a little bit could not miss a nice stop in Levanto for some beer and delicious pizza.
here for the track
Here all photos
As promised MFTT back to invade the Liguria in search of hot and dry and snow-free land in our ubiquitous Apennines. More precisely, we landed in Levanto area with a delegation from Modena respectable: it's me, Kevin, Sergione, the legendary and venerable Gigi and Stroke, the other two Vandellone with their friends.
overlook the fact that we caught the snow does not decide to follow the short track pusher kindly provided by our trusted PaoloC and sabadoni.
The tour takes place to a large extent on the tarmac, obviously only in height, with three technical and above all extremely beautiful discesine sassoseeeeee. The presence of steps of rock, gravel, murderer, Saxons, etc. is a constant in almost all the way around. Our poor bike has been put to the test, an infallible test for fork, ammo and poor bikers out formaaaaa.
the second run, a series of strokes led, artificial jumps and technical parts ... a real lust, sin only for the snow that sometimes broke the pace and terrain. Challenging the final stretch of coastline overlooking the Levanto, an endless series of tight bends and stinking and rocks in buckets all over the path we have literally "pot roast" arms and legs.
to shoot a little bit could not miss a nice stop in Levanto for some beer and delicious pizza.
here for the track
Here all photos
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