Monday, July 26, 2010

How To Fake High School Community Service Hours

emotional Orgy (18-07-2010)

Ci siamo! Arrivo ai Ponti di Fanano in anticipo e vedo altri bikers intenti nei preparativi di inizio giro: ruote che girano su bici rovesciate, zaini che si riempiono d'acqua, macchine che si chiudono a distanza sotto gli occhi vigili dei padroni.

Meanwhile, I eat the sandwiches I've just bought along with other foods to serve me today. While swallowed a coke comes Gigi, then Kevin, then Gianlu ... Within 5 minutes we were all machines, loaded, ready to reach individuals who have decided to shoot all the rounds cycled.

Go up to the Arcane Cross, passing through the villages of hospitality that are decked out at the upcoming festival. We pass Gianlu71, Harry and Julian just before Capanna Tassoni and their view has the power to accumulate lactic acid in my legs ...

left the vehicles a few miles before the Cross, just to warm up the leg and do not wait too long the others who have gone a bit 'late to the table running. Images that are repeated: wheels in the air, backpacks under the fountains, remote machines that close ...

Cross Arcana comes before us after a while 'talking shop, the group suggests a close and all day without a hitch! "STOCK", we are on the ridge and this is the noise that I hear the very moment I realize that I have a stone cut with the back. ".... TICK TICK TICK .... ....": these signals instead I get going in the downhill. Broken spokes, to face the day without a hitch. But the ridge is beautiful, the company excellent ... A bit 'of tape and start again as if the beam was still there!

Among the spectacular views from both sides and mirtillaie committed to ripen their fruit, we are at the lake Scaffaiolo. For once I take the initiative on the slope leading to the Duke of Abruzzi, is obviously rebuked by the rest of the group that wants to continue to take a break later ... Oh well, calories to the wind.

continue on the ridge, between gusts of wind and some clouds passing quickly cool off the heat in recent weeks that did not make us breathe. I'm beginning to feel the adrenaline rise, approaching the beginning of the first, long, downhill. Invade the pitch of Strofinatoio with bikes everywhere, while supported by the guards leave backpacks and snacks. Few minutes and we are on the saddle, this time all the way down, useless.

The steep path down to the Passo del eraser committed body and soul 100%, stones of all sizes, both fixed and moved away, are ready to ambush at every meter. And when the situation calms down for a break is no time to wait for the rest of the group to enjoy a stunning new ridge.

From Eraser continues to fall, in the midst of the first and into the beechwood mirtillaie then. A few dozen meters in altitude and the canopy is raised, the guardians of the path that the hand of nature has wanted to carve measure biker! I yell to him and Kevin to let correre, la velocità aumenta, passiamo dentro alle curve spondate incollati uno dietro l'altro, tra risate e grida di gioia! Contenti come quando da bambini si scendeva dalla giostra più emozionante...

La discesa è ancora lunga, continua ad offrire spunti spettacolari per un divertimento estremo, fatto di velocità, salti, curve e, perchè no, qualche spettacolare quanto fortunata caduta. Un ultimo tratto più ripido, stretto e tecnico ci porta al Rifugio Segavecchia, dove un sorso di birra e un panino sono capaci di ristorarci in vista della salita che ci attende: il Calvario.

Parto insieme a Gigi e Kevin mentre gli altri stanno ancora finendo il panino: conosco i miei limiti e non rallentre want anyone upwards, better to put forward. The curves follow one another inexorable and relentless: 2, 4, 8 ... 14! The pen of the cartographer who drew this hell track hours straight lines but still pending too and while the rest of the group comes up and comes to us we get to the foul-mouthed Bagnadore. A brief pause, a nice drink of fresh water and again, following the forest brings us to Madonna in the short maple.

last stop for lunch. Many enjoy the excellent restaurant are located in the center of the village while I swallow the sandwich that I brought back here. A nice slice of cake with blueberries and raspberries, however, I did not let some go!

Street, to a new climb on asphalt this time, but always challenging, which leads us to Cavone and then again on our beloved trails. Pushing (someone who has always, however, the strength - will above all - to ride) and fast downs lead us to a new magical place: the Passo del Lupo. Without waiting for the band back together let his eyes wander along the ridge above us, what we have come in the morning and now appears under a bright sun in all its glory. Gigi's words that he knows the name of every peak, every path, every tree around us, cradling my mind lost in this magical moment of relaxation.

And then back down. And then back uphill. And then again another beautiful restaurant and break up a rock to admire the view.

This time it really starts, towards Lake Pratignano. On the dusty ground of this path will be the third of the train is difficult and unhealthy. In fact, after several hundred meters past to guess where the trail would be under the cloud of dust raised by my peers, I find myself go a bit 'too strongly on a rock and the tube gives up. My companions file away fast, not even realize that there are more, but meanwhile they were joined by someone else and you start to play while the exchange tube are repeated mechanically ...

through the wide lawns il lago, illuminati dal sole del pomeriggio che li rende caldi e soffici. E adesso si parte per l'ultima, lunga discesa verso i Ponti. Cappelbuso ci accoglie in uno splendore inusuale: sentiero tirato a lucido dal passaggio dei biker che hanno appena affrontato la granfondo, da fare ad una velocità assurda... Poi Orti, a quest'ora della giornata veramente impegnativo. E per finire Caselle.

Ma, come dice il Cicco, il giro non è finito finchè non si beve il primo sorso di birra! Quindi recupero auto e appuntamento davanti alla piada e birra in centro a Fanano, dove tra una cazzata e l'altra si comincia a parlare del prossimo giro...