It 's a bell'argomento stretching. For 20 years mythologized beyond measure, the act of stretching is a form of natural and instinctive movement that marks the transition from immobility to the movement. There Styrian maybe when you wake up every morning before getting out of bed? The cat does not stretch after a sleepy afternoon on the couch? The act of stretching, loosening the tension and stiffness due to inactivity or emotional state, free from the constraints of the vessels and thus draws blood into the muscle tissue, the viscosity increases with the elasticity of the connective tissue. In a word predisposes us to work. This is trivially stretching, nothing more nothing less. Can be dynamic or static, in the first case the active neuromuscular spindles causing a reflex contraction of the muscle, if it is statically lasted for 20-30 seconds activates the Golgi bodies that - again, reflex pathways - the issue . I wrote once that it would take a bit of stretching to your muscles will grow. In fact, the stretching of the connective tissue that lines the myofibrils is a sign that the consent deposition of circulating proteins, the proof is that the practice of stretching increases - albeit in a non-excellent - muscle tone. In fact we can say is that just an ordinary movement activities, however small to activate this signal as admirably demonstrated Forbes, 1989 and Arnal, 1999 working retirees in their seventies hospices. We understand the mechanism by pointing some facts: 1
. muscle function is not only and purely locomotive but also - like any other organ - the stock, in this case the protein (Amino Tank Theory traders, 2000)
2. only the excess protein is stored in muscles and only if the relationship between their amino acids is identical to that of our fabrics, otherwise they are oxidized. Only when the right relationship is restored aminocidico oxidation stops and starts protein synthesis and storage in muscle tissue ( Pencharz, 2003 - Brunton, 2007 - Humayun, 2007 - Elango, 2008)
3. further limiting factor is the connective tissue that contains the muscle fibers ( Millward, 1988). This is a "bag" that if it grows does not allow access to other protein material. In organisms growing this strain is ensured mainly by growth in bone length. In adults the normal life of movement, made up just by stretching and muscle contractions. Stretching is part of it. At the most extreme there are tensions ceilings and localized bodybuilding.

In conclusion, the stimulation of muscle growth is essential, and remains, the surplus protein. The exercise against resistance (not only bodybuilding but every other event of power and speed) can accentuate the process but only and only if there is excess protein and amino acids are in the right ratio. Excess - within limits - even for local and independent of diet. For example, I can develop the deltoids also negative energy balance, if you train hard, and at the same time suspend the work on other muscle groups. This is a remodeling, remodeling muscle proteins that are removed from the calves or thighs where not needed and in fact rimonatate deltoids where at that time the need is greatest. Woe to think of the metabolic activity of living beings as something static and unchanging! Every split second, everything changes and renews itself. Only a profoundly destabilizing impact of this dynamic equilibrium stand out in a tangible way, a wound, a diet too high, an infection. To say that just a little stretching to swell is a provocative way to emphasize that the exercise can help but is not essential to the development of muscle mass. What really counts are the proteins. Proteins of animal origin to ensure the proper ratio and the necessary amino acid bioavailability.