Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Trade Pokemon Silver Rom


Hello John,
We started the project. Of course, those who have been heard to speak of impossibility 'of storage protein in the muscles have turned up their noses. Indeed, all of us have spent our lives learning by disseminating this verb. Now there is a curious form of "glycogen" on alle proteine. Ne ho anche parlato con una nefrologa, neo iscritta in palestra, la quale e' inorridita al solo pensiero dell'1,5 gr pro KG, figurati accennare all' Amino Tank.... Mi puoi fornire dati oggettivi e studi in merito, in modo da supportare la mia novella lotta all'establishment?
Grazie mille, Piero Nocerino

Piero carissimo, come si dice qui a Prato hai invitato il matto alle sassate.
primo) scordati la crociata contro l'establishment non ce la farai mai. Ho già fatto l'esperienza.
Secondo) lascia stare la casta dei medici è una delle tante mafie che abbiamo in Italia.
Terzo) le baronie universitarie insegnano agli allievi le nozioni di 50 anni fa perchè i baroni e i figli dei baroni sono andati avanti per mafia e non per studio e ricerca. La ricerca non l'hanno mai fatta, lo studio quel minimo che allora servì. Pensa un attimo a quei due-tre tromboni che vanno sempre in televisione per turlupinarci con la cosiddetta dieta mediterranea (adesso il nuovo verbo è "dovete fare mezz'ora al giorno di camminata..." dieci ore ne dovremmo fare e non basterebbero ad annullare l'avvelenamento da pane e amidi!).
Quarto) se ti metti a fare le pulci alle cosiddette ricerche scientifiche anche US ti rendi conto di quanto siano pilotate per avere la risposta voluta dall'industria di turno, often are frankly dishonest, perhaps inconvenient facts show but conclude the opposite, while those series are attacked by all his colleagues. But if you work hard you know for example that the prestigious American Diabetes Association says the same things that Ciantia said 10 years ago.
Quinto) 90% of Italians are fat, they are soaked with water, sugar and insulin, in advanced inflammatory - I would say decomposition - muscle mass with the minimum of decency, poisoned by the mother's stomach (with or without gestational diabetes) on cereals and legumes to the point that even a first-year medical student with a minimum of clinical eye perceives it to 100 feet away. Instead to demonize the proteins could be raised bread, pasta and pizza to the people! (Yes, then who sells insulin, only to bodybuilders?).
Sesto) Casey Viator in the experience of Colorado took 30 pounds of muscle in 30 days - half that saw John Ciantia agonist resumed 7 kg in 15 days - while defining, when they begin training. Protein Deposition If not this what is it? If you can go read the study by Arnal in this regard is illuminating. And 'the excess protein that is deposited in functional form in the muscles, not the normal requirements! The Amino Tank Theory I did not'm not invented to impress readers Olympian's ... I am a person of integrity and intellectually honest (and therefore uncomfortable).
After this introduction I am attaching the article that Olympian's release in March and that its concerns on the subject proteins. Do you even read the nephrologist who goes in search of recent studies that quote and learn something too. It is part of the book that I recently wrote, the result of a year and a half of research and that no publisher, from the greatest to poor wretch wants to publish despite my past decades and publishing successes. To this I say forget about the establishment, no one does. An important Italian researchers 15 years ago has made the discoveries of global significance on AGEs that I served as input for "Bad as the bread and with whom I maintained extensive correspondence, they pulled to CNR to head a prestigious project as bogus because they do not break more stories with these sugars. But to me the book I published a piece at a time on the Advances section of the site hoping that I do not obscure, perhaps under the guise of child pornography is becoming a effettone on people.
Love, John

John, I do not know how much enthusiasm infuses your fervor. And I say no matter the point. I will not, philosophically, the merits of the scientific question. Forget the TV and Baron argues that, forget the lobby of pasta, white flour mills and our society 'based on the wheat that feeds you and you starving after an hour. Forget everything and not think of being a "cursed". And evil has made the researcher to accept the downsizing, giving up the project for a pay rise. She also is part of the game. You know the movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"? Donald Sutherland and 'the hero throughout the film avoids being brainwashed by aliens, but the last frame to report screaming his partner, still normal, the former enemies. Like I said, my site is about to be born. I say "born" not by chance, 'cause I think it is a child, albeit virtual, that steals my sleep, just like Aurora or Luke when they are sick. There 'something better than trying to pursue a project in which we believe? Your website and 'before I was born, But mine is' in incubation time and suffers a great influence on your project, all the time. I believe that things do not happen by accident. If after a half century of our existence we decide to express what 'that has commonly marked for more' than 30 years with this agile communication format, we're probably still imbued with the sacred fire that burns only in young minds. You've called elsewhere a "nigger", to indicate a state of cultural oppression. Massaroni I have written that the NABBA consisted of "fags", a more dialectically 'colors to define a social position angle. I am often on the forum. Do not think that the people who live our passion is made up of people from easily plagiabili hired several screaming. There has already 'thought Dr. yachts to tone down the "master's voice" during a "Porta a Porta." If you feel it, I'll ask 'to Ross to create a space for discussion of a limited number of experts, not a forum open to all (this is often not very constructive and uncontrollable). I believe that asking questions like that you have set, is coming off a very "Tuscan" and blood for you, very true, I daresay. If I may, I would like to insert in the space of which I have just spoken, that our chat. I am sure that Socrates was not wrong when discussing maieutics ... What do you say? You could, for example, tell me so ... Hello